2018-12-03 Meeting notes

2018-12-03 Meeting notes


Dec 3, 2018


  • @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)

  • @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)

  • @Rebecca Lloyd

  • @Stephanie Roth (Unlicensed)

  • @Emily Toner

Discussion items

Follow-up from 11/26/18 meeting

  • Stephanie noted that she reached out to HSL liaisons about the public domain party but has not yet received responses.

  • Emily noted that she reached out to Jill Luedke but has not yet heard back from her.

General updates

  • Scholars of Color Conference opportunity: Emily recounted an opportunity she learned about via the Diversity & Inclusion Committee. The university’s Graduate Students of Color Association and Faculty Senate Committee on the Status of Faculty of Color will be co-hosting The Scholars of Color Conference in late Spring 2019. This conference will be interdisciplinary and open to scholars outside of Temple University. Emily mentioned that the conference hosts expressed interest in having workshop(s) related to some scholarly communication topics. We briefly discussed the possibility of repurposing and/or combining some of the workshop content we already have. Stephanie expressed interest in delivering any workshop we might offer. Emily will follow-up with Annie with additional details.

  • PA Digital workshops: Rachel mentioned that PA Digital will be offering some craft-oriented workshops in the near future, as a way to help promote the public domain content in the collection.

Learning Outcomes and Rubrics

  • Stephanie shared with us two outcomes/rubric documents Natalie Tagge previously created for a Clinical Reasoning Conference.

  • We discussed the level of specificity needed for the expectations. For example, would we include broad, generalized ones that could be applicable across disciplines, or would we identify more discipline-specific ones? We also discussed whether the expectations would be something individual liaison create depending on their disciplinary area.

  • We began brainstorming possible expectations, focussing on the first, '1.0' column, choosing to return to other columns later.

  • Following the brainstorm session, we discussed ideas for sharing the document with liaisons, such as hands-on workshop opportunities, as well as the need for being mindful about how we frame the conversation with liaisons et. al.