2019-10-03 Meeting notes

2019-10-03 Meeting notes


Oct 3, 2019


  • @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)

  • @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed)

  • @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)

  • @Rebecca Lloyd

  • @Alicia Pucci

  • @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)

  • @Emily Toner

Discussion topics

OA Week Faculty Exhibit--yes or no?

  • Annie asked if there was still interest in having a faculty exhibit during OA Week, happening in about two weeks. It was noted that the digital screens located on the first floor would be available to us for use, which might make the creation/display aspect a little easier than the print posters used in prior years. It was also pointed out that sometimes the hardest part of the exhibit creation process is identifying enough and hearing back from faculty. Given time constraints and people’s current commitments, there was consensus that we will pass this year on a faculty exhibit in order to devote more time toward OpenCon Philly.

  • There was discussion as to whether there might be ways to highlight the faculty who are participating in OpenCon Philly.

  • The group discussed possibilities of asking Sara Wilson and her team to create a social media schedule of related OA Week content for distribution. Natalie will follow-up on this in relation to already-scheduled Ginsburg Library activities.

OpenCon Philly Day of Help

  • Annie called for volunteers, noting that there are individuals still needed to help staff the registration desk during OpenCon Philly.

  • The group discussed the feasibility of the dine-arounds, noting that many places around Temple’s campus are either trucks or small eat-in locations. We discussed the idea of having a general space in Charles for something like a dine-in, where attendees could go out to find their lunch and then bring it back to Charles to enjoy (say to room 401). There was consensus to move forward with this. Natalie and Lauri agreed to serve as facilitators/welcomers for the room we use.

  • The group discussed library tour options and the need for tour guides. Annie and Kristina agreed to serve as tour guides. Suggestions were made about reaching out to other Libraries' tour guides, asking for volunteers if there was high interest among participants. Annie will reach out to the other tour guides to gauge availability.

  • Annie noted that she will be meeting with key Libraries' individuals next week about building/space logistics. She will inquire about John Pyle’s availability for extended AV/tech help during the event at that time.

  • The group discussed the desire for ongoing events/programming devoted to open access for individuals in the Philadelphia area.

2019 Goals/Objectives (continued discussion from 9/5 meeting)

  • Emily highlighted a few items:

    • Now that the Digital Scholarship Librarian position has been filled, it might be worthwhile for us to now reach out to Jasmine Clark and setup a meeting/discussion. Rebecca agreed to send a message to Jasmine, inviting her.

    • Our desire to hold a joint meeting with the Collections SST to review the OA collections. Annie agreed to contact Karen Kohn about the possibility of a meeting in November.

  • Rebecca noted that she reviewed the 'Authors Alliance Workshops in a Box' slides Annie recently shared, thought them useful, and that we should consider doing something with them in the Spring, like workshops. There was discussion about how we would reach out to the desired audiences and encourage them to attend. Natalie suggested perhaps recording any workshops we hold for later distribution, and Annie suggested offering them virtually via zoom. Natalie found out HSL is not going to start recording all workshops in the spring. They are going to continue just recording workshops as requested using Ensemble and then will share with the requester and the workshop attendees. They are thinking about/planning to pilot some live, online workshops with Zoom. It sounds like they are planning to repeat those workshops in person, also.

    They are considering doing more recording in the future and making these recordings public, but do realize some workshop content would need to be edited to not include copyrighted images, etc.

  • Rebecca suggested that we should assign names to goals, similar to what we did last year -- individuals assigned would not necessarily be wholly responsible for the goal but function more as an accountability coach or bottom-liner.


  • Emily reminded us that Rachel Appel will be returning from family leave the week of October 14th and that Emily herself will be rotating off the group at that time.

  • Our next meeting is scheduled for October 17th.

  • We decided that in our next meeting or two, we should begin discussing possible workshops for the Spring.

Action items

@Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed) will follow-up with Sara Wilson and her team regarding OA Week social media content in relation to already-scheduled Ginsburg Library activities.
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will reach out to the other Charles Library tour guides to gauge availability for the evening of Friday, 11/1.
@Rebecca Lloyd will reach out to Jasmine Clark, inviting her to a conversation with our team about collaboration opportunities with the Scholars Studio.
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will reach out to member(s) of the Collections SST about the possibility of a conversation with us in November.
@Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed) will reach out to Courtney Eger about the logistics of recording HSL workshops, considering how their setup may inform our future needs.
