2020-2021 Goals and Objectives

2020-2021 Goals and Objectives

Ongoing activities

Maintain an inventory for existing scholarly communication-related services and activities across the Libraries and the university.

Develop and coordinate workshops on scholarly communication topics for Temple faculty and students

Plan and coordinate workshops and/or other outreach focused around relevant local, regional, and/or national scholarly communication events, including, but not limited to, Open Access Week, Open Education Week, and Fair Use Week



Support LRS librarians when it comes to promoting TUScholarShare to Temple faculty and students

  • Continue to provide feedback on the Communications Toolkit and recommend additional resources that may be useful for liaisons.

  • Finalize the TU Deans/ Constituents of Research Directory list and work with LRS to email TU Deans/Constituents of Research about TUScholarShare.

  • Create a new communication that specifically markets TUScholarShare to new faculty (Steven circulates this list).



Provide up to 3 new online workshops, bringing in other librarians to help with workshops as possible. Investigate where to share/archive the recorded workshops, working in coordination with LSSSST.

 Lead 2 follow-up workshops for library staff on scholarly communication topics related to TUScholarShare as based on responses to this survey (e.g. author rights, pre-prints and post-prints).

Create a formal assessment for all Open Access Week events in coordination with the Library Outreach and Communications Department that builds on current evaluation form. This assessment may include:

  • Metrics data 

  • Demographics (e.g. grad student, faculty, department, college)

  • Additional questions: what other open access related topics are you interested in? Did this increase knowledge about OA?

Engage in creative outreach about OA monographs among humanities scholars


Strategic planning

Explore how we can better integrate DEI with our scholarly communication initiatives and strategic planning, though regular conversations during SCSST meetings.

Assess the impact of the first four years of the Open Access Publishing Fund by writing a report that looks at who is receiving funding (e.g. faculty, grad students, tenured, non-tenured, where they are publishing , and what schools and colleges are benefiting from the fund). 

Continue to monitor how COVID-19 is affecting open access/OER, by attending relevant webinars and having regular discussions about any developments in SCSST meetings.

Continue to work with CSST as needed to assess current and potential financial support for open access collections and memberships.