2018-05-21 Meeting notes
2018-05-21 Meeting notes
Meeting Notes
2018-2019 workshops/events
- No dates can be confirmed yet until August/early September
- How many do we want to do? How do we want to space them out?
- Some of them are tired to things like OAW or beginning of the semester
- Balancing how many with time commitment and time we have to put in
- Choose 4 from “ideas” section? Others can be saved for the future
- RL, ET, and RA liked:
- Would need to be tied to a class/program
- How long?
- “Opening Access Through Canvas Legally” for August 2018
- Panel type event about reaching audiences via social media Spring 2019
- A fair use/copyright/creative commons workshop aimed at undergraduates Spring 2019
- Publishing as Pedagogy panel? in Fall 2018
- Other ideas: working with Sara Wilson to discuss outreach/comm for these events
Ideas for fall projects for Maria Aghazarian
- Interest in ORCID
- Working on undergrad journal via OJS--first volume coming out
- Do we want to be more active?
- If Maria starts in the summer, she can work on OA week
- Right to Research campaign
- CC and the Press
- Question of the IR progress
- OA projects we could be involved with, what is the landscape? Review of peer institutions funding for this
- Instructional activities: rubric for scholcomm, skill gaps, what instruction sessions
Responding to unit heads
- Will put together a brief form for liaisons to fill out their interest area, based on the assessment