2020-02-06 Meeting notes

2020-02-06 Meeting notes


Feb 6, 2020


  • @Rebecca Lloyd, @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed), @Alicia Pucci, @Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed) @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)

Discussion Topics

Karen Kohn and Pathways to Open Access

  • Discussed Karen and Annie’s original plans for the Pathways to Open Access discussion series. March - plan was to discuss transformative agreements. Two more topics/discussions in May and July

  • Joe approached Annie and Karen after the January discussion to see if we’d like Lisa Hinchliffe (an expert on transformative agreements) to come talk about transformative agreements since he knows her. Joe gave her a good description of the discussion series

    • Lisa Hinchliffe has agreed to come in March or April. Karen asked whether we should have a separate discussion on this topic? Or just her presentation?

    • Decided that we’ll have her presentation and can include Q&A and discussion afterwards for 1.5 hours total

    • Looking at possible dates in March or April. Possibly during spring break - March 2 or April 20. Karen will ask Joe to send her those dates. Will ask her in advance about the discussion portion focusing on Temple and drawing on knowledge from some Temple staff (Brian Schoolar, etc.)

    • Will create a shared Google doc to draft possible discussion topics in advance, just in case

    • Look at setting up the Event Space with round tables

    • Can we get food?

    • Can we share this as a Zoom meeting? Moderate the Zoom conversation for remote attendees - Natalie will probably be able to do so.

  • Karen and Annie will lead the process of writing a report at the end of the series - seeking different people to help write this.

Textbook Affordability Project (Urooj)

  • Three things Urooj needs help with:

    • 1. Last year created a rubric which was very intense. Need to create a new, much simpler rubric - do we have ideas for how to create rubrics, bank of available rubrics?

      • Natalie has a background in creating rubrics. Could help with simplifying last year’s. Urooj will send info on last year’s rubric

    • 2. Creating FAQs about Open Educational Resources. Needs someone to review these. Rachel volunteered to do this.

    • 3. Recruiting for a door-hanging blitz. Lauri and Rebecca volunteered to help with this. Also will be sending out an emailed version to LRS and Access Services. Targeted promotions this year to faculty.

Open Ed Week (Urooj)

  • Seeking Temple faculty for Open Pedagogy panel - anyone who has done an alternative assignment. Several people had suggestions which they’ll send to Urooj.

Action items

@Rebecca Lloyd Create shared document with discussion questions for transformative agreements conversation
@Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed) will help Urooj simplify last year’s TAP rubric
@Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) will help Urooj review FAQs on OERs