2018-10-22 Meeting notes
Oct 22, 2018
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)
@Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)
@Rebecca Lloyd
@Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)
@Emily Toner
OA Week Events
3 workshops this week
Check out exhibit in the Paley breezeway
Also check out Libraries' social media
Paywall Screening on 10/31
Should we come up with questions in advance? Or keep it general?
What struck you about this film?
What did the film do well? What was less successful?
Take left over coffee hour stuff?
Rebecca will email Richie
Annie will ask Sara Wilson about other snacks
Maria designed some great postcards to promote ORCID
We will do a table at CST in November as a pilot (week of 11/5 or 11/12?)
Plan will be to do more tables in the spring
Table during faculty senate/collegial assembly?
Table during department meeting? (Have liaison librarians reach out to chair ahead of time)
Emily: can we give liaisons postcards to distribute to faculty?
Rebecca: yes, if we give folks advance notice
Reach out to the Office of Research about how we might promote to faculty
Maria Copyright Workshop, 11/6
Still need to promote
Librarians will be invited
OpenCon NYC Logistics
Investment in Open Report
Annie still working on edits, will send out to group when it is ready
IR Services Group and IR Metadata Subgroup have formed, are meeting and making progress