2018-08-20 Meeting notes

2018-08-20 Meeting notes




  1. SCSST Annual Report (Check out form from Nancy here.)
  2. Investment in Open Report (please read draft before meeting) 
  3. Questions for Colleen Lyon
  4. Sending a student/faculty member to OpenCon (see current list of nominees here.)
  5. Film screening

Meeting Notes

SCSST Annual Report

  • Nancy would like for the steering teams to submit an Annual Report, based on the departmental reports. 
    • These will be linked to strategic actions. 
    • They will be more visible than departmental annual reports have been before: They will likely put onto Confluence in some form. 
  • We created our goals for the calendar year, not fiscal year -- Nancy said that this is fine. 
  • Annie has started drafting SCSST report. She will want help with the section on key accomplishments and activities, to make sure that we are highlighting the right thing, and will share it with the group ASAP. 
  • We also need to start thinking about 2019 SCSST goals soon. 

Investment in Open Report 

The group talked about the draft and general reactions/questions: 

  • Do we want to make stronger recommendations in the document? 
  • What role should the open infrastructure section play in this document?
    • We’re investing a lot into open infrastructure right now, in terms of staffing and resource. We could make the argument that we need to invest more in open content in order to match that. 
    • We are going to take out the salary estimates from the open investment section and could also add comparison to peer institutions. 
    • We could also discuss how open source initiatives can help to support and promote open access content. 
  • How much are faculty involved in collection development decisions?
    • It varies. Often used when advocating for additions to databases.
  • What criteria do we want to use for OA content?
    • This has already been put into the document, but do we need to make it more forceful/prominent?
    • The group feels that we need to have further conversations about the criteria and come to a group decision first. We should also share a draft of the criteria with the Collection Development strategic steering team, so that they can provide input.
  • In the introduction, we can outline the higher-level recommendations and criteria, with examples in following sections. 
    • Recommendations will include the adoption of the proposed criteria, plus suggestions of how that could be applied for specific resources.

Questions for Colleen Lyon

Sending a student/faculty member to OpenCon (see current list of nominees here.)

  • We can make a decision about this next Monday. 

Action items

Investment in Open Report
  • Everyone will give the draft a thorough reading and add comments (if you haven't already). Don't be afraid to edit document directly 
  • Everyone will add some thoughts/ideas to the Criteria for Supporting OA Collections document, which we will review and discuss further at next Monday's meeting (8/27)
  • Emily Toner and Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)will work on their section, getting rid of info on salaries and focusing on how open source software works hand in hand with open access
  • Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)will share with Maria for her feedback

Call with Colleen Lyon

  • Everyone will add a question to this document (Rachel will lead the call)

Annual Report

OpenCon NYC