2018-06-11 Meeting notes
2018-06-11 Meeting notes
- Emily Toner
- Rebecca Lloyd
- Stephanie Roth (Unlicensed)
- Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)
- Guest: Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed)
Meeting notes
Urooj Nizami's Capstone Project
- Capstone is usually a 1 year project, now 2 years. Opportunity to put together a project and put it together from beginning to end
- Goal: create a set of recommendations for the Textbook Affordability Project and follow through with them
- Based on interviews Urooj and Adam did with folks who have done the Textbook Affordability Project in the past
- Education: Urooj wants to create a 2 day workshop on openness for liaison librarians (similar to ARL Liaison Institute). Goal is to think about how librarians are already doing things with open
- Draft an openness mandate for library staff, how to make openness a part of the work they do
- Goal: Send a faculty member to an open conference (who have participated in the TAP in the past)
- Collaboration: Establishing requirements for participation for faculty in the TAP, perhaps have to deposit readings in Canvas
- New eligibility requirements: Faculty members must reach out to liaison librarians
- Recreate TAP LibGuide
- Work with Olivia and other heads about creating space in LibGuides to highlight open access journals
- Move TAP to force people to think about how publishing and their publishing is part of the problem
- Tiered approach to grants (certain projects get more money than others)
- Moving from textbook to open, faculty found collections from SCRC. Can we bring in SCRC
Thoughts from SCSST:
- Annie noted that SCSST is planning workshops/education for staff for 2018-2019, could potentially be about open access and OER (based on feedback from librarians), will continue to coordinate with Urooj
- Kristina noted that SCSST survey showed that librarians generally feel comfortable with open access and OER (but self reported)
- What are priorities for project?
- Redo platform where people get information about TAP
- Redo eligibility requirements
- Send a faculty member to a conference
- Rebecca noted that it would be great to incorporate librarians more into TAP process (even before folks apply)
- Other things to note: Kristina will be Temple's Campus Partner for Affordable Learning PA, Annie is taking part in SPARC's Open Education Leadership Program in the fall
- Emily noted that Urooj should periodically come back to our meetings and give us project updates
- SCSST will continue to think of ways to support Urooj and her project
General Updates:
- U Penn Scholarly Communication folks (Margaret, Kenny, Sarah, and Laurie) want to plan a scholarly communication conference for Philly-area folks. They have invited us but we are still waiting to hear about date and other details.
- IR
- DSpace install has hit another bump in the road, but David thinks a development version should be up and running soon
- Implementation team will be Gabe, Annie, Chin, and Holly. Current IR group will be dissolved but there will be more involvement in the future for folks.
- SCSST and RDSSST will still focus on coming up with policies and procedures for the IR.
Libraries Investment in Open Project:
- Kristina and Rebecca met with Brian, notes are in Google drive folder
- Rachel and Emily will set up a meeting to talk about assess investments in open source
- Annie will move her notes on membership to Google drive folder
- Stephanie reported that for now, we should focus on Paley, and not on HSL