2018-07-02 Meeting notes

2018-07-02 Meeting notes



Meeting Notes

Libraries' Investment in Open Project

Emily Toner talked to Margery-digitization can be left out

Annie talked to MRM–Press can also be left out of report

Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) Stephanie Roth (Unlicensed) will work on OA publishers with discounts for partner institutions (e.g. BMC)

How to quantify staff time devoted to Open? Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) suggests we use national salary average + benefits.

Hathi Trust? Include although some material blocked due to copyright restrictions

Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will include funding for Temple Open Project (HSL $10,000 and Paley $10,00 funding sources)

We did not reach budget this year, not all papers were accepted by the applicants

Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) Emily Toner Working on a high level summary of each area.


DSpace installed and working on connecting to Symplectic Elements.

Working on getting ETD's direct from Proquest and create a production version of DSpace. 

In Fall- a public working DSpace, interested in Blacklight (In IR policies and procedures document for an example) 

Spring 2019-goal to have IR go live

Questions about content? What content to allow, make low barrier to use for faculty, concern with Elements (faculty not logging into Elements) 

Tough without an Institutional OA mandate at Temple.

Answering IR document questions-Our team and we will ask data services team to look at items and prioritize areas and later merge our thoughts before sharing with stakeholders.

Action items

  • Rebecca Lloyd will send an email reminder to LRS listserv about filling out the scholcomm skills area poll