2019-08-16 Meeting notes

2019-08-16 Meeting notes


Aug 16, 2019


  • @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed)

  • @Alicia Pucci @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed) @Emily Toner @Rebecca Lloyd @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)



1. Recap of PALCI OER Summit (Kristina)

1st year for our consortium

2 keynotes speakers: Anne Osterman, Viva, and---- Open Oregon

early and key notes-get summary from Kristina

hard to have …message

OER specialist for PALCI-individuals

Penn State session on finding multimedia,

Muelenberg has a paid digital learning assistant

Emphasis on networking

Grant is 3 years-in 2nd year (Kristina update)
2. Update on OpenCon Philly (Annie)

Proposals-received over 30

sent emails to accepted proposals

goal to get schedule up in early Sept.

waiting on 2 more confirmations

finish organizing invited panels

? can it be held in Charles? will be in Student Center if not

workshop session will like to have a lab space if possible (in Charles)

3. Update on Open Pedagogy Workshop (Rebecca)

Oct 31, day before, have a workshop with Robin DeRosa-invite libstaff and anyone doing instruction but capped around 40-CAT people (provided funding)

Invite speakers on pedagogy panel (who will be presenting the following day)

Save The Date/Registration Form will go out the first week in Sept.


*OER subgroup is developing (Kristina, Urooj, Steven, Andrew D)

Andrew Diamond is coordinating logistics

4. 2019-2020 SCSST Goal and Objectives

Discussion on timing of goals and objectives-refer to document for final edits

Facilitation (from last year)

Inventory (Kristina recently updated in Confluence)

Working with Comm/Market Team

Communicate across nonlibrary-partnerships


Reduce duplication

Workshops (slides in one place, sharing)

Website (with new website all information is in one place)

Send out a message to teaching librarians about repository

Discussion about available spaces and whether or not to schedule on main campus for the fall


Workshops discussion-should we identify a specific place for ALL workshops-keep monitoring the situation around the rooms

Annie: Unsure about Keystone DH as part of team goal (OpenCon is taking up significant time)


Liaisons 2.0 discussion:

Hold spring workshop focused on research and grants ?

FAQs on how resesarch works at Temple, the different offices, people talk about their experiences


Discussion on whether there is a requirement for ScholComm in Goals-we are not suggesting that but it can be an option

*Annie will send a reminder to the 3 LRS heads that this is not a requirement this year

Diversity & Inclusion: Accessibility as it relates to open access resources

process oriented-how can we improve our practices as an organization (Emily T)

Best practices from Inclusion committee-a conversation to have and explore-overlap in committees

NorthBroad Press-make publication accessible-Jasmine has been consulted

Could focus entirely on pdfs-[Cornell repository will only accept accessible files in the fall]


Some discussion on coordination and education having some similar goals

Natalie is presenting but will also be on the Communications Committee


Open Access week is in October-outreach-virtual exhibit or something up in faculty/graduate space

Ginsburg has plans for Open Access Week-include on ScholComm blog


Collections OA-work with Karen Kohn, what ways are the libraries committed to advancing open access

Annie’s inspiration supporting open access

Follow through on goal from last year-look at CSST to see if they align-Annie contacted Brian to follow up


Goal from last year: findings and identifying current gaps a Kristina-use the blog to “here at Temple we are…” what are we seeing, learning


Assessing-do we reflect on it enough


For the goals that are vague we can come back to it and adjust it, make it more specific for some things, or if we realize something is not achievable or has changed we can revise


Annie will resolve comments and call it done for now!

Completed goals discussion!













Action items
