2019-11-20 Meeting notes

2019-11-20 Meeting notes


Nov 21, 2019


  • @Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed); notetaker

  • @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)

  • @Rebecca Lloyd; facilitator

  • @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)

  • @Alicia Pucci

  • @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)

  • @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)

  • @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed)


  1. Collaboration opportunities/possibilities with the Scholars Studio (Jasmine Clark)

    1. Streamlining workshops and marketing between us and the SCSST

    2. Jasmine notes that Alex manages the workshops for the Scholars Studio and he just sent out some information. We need to agree on shared tags in Springshare. We also need to agree on who does the promo for the workshops.

      1. Reach out to Jasmine for quick responses

    3. Rebecca mentions that we should coordinate to avoid running too many workshops on the same days.

    4. Jasmine notes that graduate students often hold workshops very last minute. Jasmine will work to stay abreast of TUL workshops in general to avoid clashing with other workshops.

    5. Jasmine notes that now (Nov) is when people start planning workshops for the next semester

    6. Annie notes that Matt had mentioned we should return to the idea of collaborating between the Scholars Studio and SCSST

    7. Jasmine has been doing an ad hoc survey of people’s level of knowledge. She has noted that people are becoming very tool specific rather than big theoretical question. What is open source? Being method focused over being tool focused.

    8. Jasmine working with Matt to create pre recorded videos that would be a prerequisite to workshops giving by the Scholars Studio

    9. Urooj wants to know how the Scholars Studio decides on it’s workshops. It’s pretty random depending on the interests of graduate students.

    10. Kristina suggests sharing Scholars Studio slide decks and other materials online, publicly.

    11. Jasmine wants to consider undergraduates in thinking through OA competencies

    12. Jasmine wants to have cross functional teams assess the faculty and graduate student fellows applications. This would help consider scope before agreeing on plans.

    13. Annie suggests creating a document that could be shared with fellows that would describe OA, publishing etc.

    14. Rebecca suggests creating support around information literacy topics for scholarly communications for projects that will live online.

    15. Jasmine mentions that if there is an entry point for info lit and schol com competencies in any existing workshops, people should reach out to add a segment to existing workshops.

    16. Kristina recalls the idea of shared project with Matt and the Scholars Studio around distinct disciplines and their tenure and promotion requirements. Which departments include DH competencies or would be open to including DH competencies?

      1. Jasmine is trying to conduct an environmental scan to determine this

    17. Natalie suggests seeking undergraduates who have worked with DH to promote DH within that constituency

      1. Kristina suggests linking up with Diamond Scholars. Caitlin does a workshop for this cohort in May.

      2. Rebecca mentions that the Honours Scholars would also be a good constituency to tap into

    18. Annie wants to develop pipeline to get Scholars Studio materials into the IR

    19. Rebecca suggests that when the Scholars Studio figures out sites for Scol Com intervention, she should reach out to us establish partnerships

  2. Announcement about the 12/4 Amigos Library Services online conference (Kristina De Voe)

    1. Kristina + Open Ed group registered for a conference that explores the library’s role in Open Ed.

    2. December 4th, 2019, all day (11am to 5pm)

    3. Hosted in 202

    4. There is a survey to decide which sessions to co-view

  3. Next steps about the SCSST + CSST joint meeting (Annie Johnson)

    1. How should we structure this evaluation of OA collections in the future considering that it took an hour to discuss Knowledge Unlatched and no consensus was reached

    2. Annie wants to know if the background she provided was helpful

    3. Kristina thought that the meeting was a lot like the ERAC meeting

      1. people should do their research and be ready to discuss the pain points

    4. Rebecca found the background materials helpful but didn’t do a personal assessment in advance

    5. Annie suggests thinking about it by seeing the budget and then determining the priorities for OA

    6. Natalie is wondering what the timeline looks like. The renewal dates are different.

    7. Kristina suggests taking a look at a comprehensive list of these collections and also thinking about major changes of these collections; you have to periodically reassess the existing collections

    8. Rebecca suggests sitting down with the list of OA collections twice a year

    9. Annie notes that the OA publishing funds comes of this budget

    10. Kristina notes that we need access to the budget, like with liaison ludgets, to plan ahead and lobby for more funding, if needed

  4. Recent session for CPH research seminar (model for targeted workshops?) (Lauri Fennell & Annie Johnson)

    1. What you need to know about OA publishing for college of Public Health

    2. 25 attendees, 15 faculty

    3. Annie notes that it was a good model for going into departments and that it could easily be tailored to varying departments/ disciplines

    4. Annie asks “Why do we think we haven’t been getting responses?”

      1. Rebecca mentions that graduate students may be the route to sharing these competencies

        1. Maybe there aren't existing sites; should we be creating sites?

        2. Natalie reiterates that it’s hard to locate venues to share schol com competencies

    5. Urooj suggests a sharing where liaisons have located opportunities;

    6. Urooj suggests maybe assigning a targeted task. Faculty on journal boards?

  5. Follow up on email/responses related targeted workshop (Kristina, others?)

  6. If time permits- Feedback from Robin DeRosa’s presentation (Rebecca Lloyd & Urooj Nizami)

Action items

@Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed) to share Amigos info through email
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will talk to Brian S about working around the constraints of the renewal times, holes in budgets to determine how to best assess OA collections
Everyone: Emerging trends homework for next time! Something in the Schol Com world that stands out to you. Come prepared to present and discuss.

Next Steps