2020-03-19 Meeting notes

2020-03-19 Meeting notes


Mar 19, 2020


  • @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)

  • @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed) (facilitator)

  • @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed)

  • @Rebecca Lloyd

  • @Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed)

  • @Alicia Pucci

  • @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed) (note taker)


  1. Mindful minute

We took a minute to breathe and get centered to be able to focus on the meeting. Great idea, Kristina!

  1. TAP updates - deadline, applications

Deadline extended to 4/8 (extended by two additional weeks)

Everything (workshop, etc.) will be moved back by 2 weeks

Faculty are preoccupied with moving classes online, so logically there have not been many applications (5 as of meeting).

More marketing will go out and will only go out once. Mindful to not over advertise non critical information at this time. 

Review committee will be OER group, past faculty member who participated in TAP will be asked to join 

Working on simplifying rubric further. Natalie and Alicia gave input that has been incorporated.

  1. Staff carnival planning - organizing ideas 

If staff carnival happens either virtually or is postponed to fall.

Natalie will go through the email chain about staff carnival and create a page in Confluence with all that information to store for future use. 

  1. Learning opportunities for liaisons

Annie had following idea: steering group will have to organize NEW workshop for liaisons about how to talk to deans of research and other constituents within their disciplinary areas about scholarly communication services offered by the Libraries

Need to determine how many and who deans of research are and which liaisons work with departments that have these 

Possibly collaborate with a data group to co-host a workshop that teaches how to teach liaisons how to talk to faculty and deans about both scholarly communication and data services at once.

Is there a possibility of a workshop that covers how to talk to faculty and deans of research. 

OER group is working on a workshop for liaisons on how to talk to faculty about OER. A subgroup is moving forward with discussing and planning. Rebecca is willing to help. 

Workshop will be based on:

"Effectively Encouraging Use of OER on Your Campus" by Nicole Finkbeiner:

Slides are available at: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y6RnTgqyZ73M2RxKhkvPsHHIkihSNmydkGm0vV_dFsY/edit?usp=sharing

Maybe we should highlight webinars that are already happening and promote those. 

Alicia will start a Google spreadsheet with Deans of Research information from each area 

Rebecca: CLA

Kristina: Klein

Lauri: College of Public Health 

Natalie: Health sciences campus and Podiatry 

Other groups members: unclaimed schools and colleges

  1. TUScholarShare Toolkit revisions - reminder

Go through comments and make corrections/revisions to draft by 4/2