2020-05-07 Meeting notes

2020-05-07 Meeting notes


May 7, 2020


  • @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) @Rebecca Lloyd @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) @Alicia Pucci @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed) @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed) @Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed)


Update on the membership process for strategic steering teams (Annie)

Nancy Turner is going to send out email to all staff asking for people who want to be on the teams, next week (week of 5/11). Same type of application process as last year.

No one has to cycle off if they don’t want to.

Let Annie know by 5/30 if you want to cycle off this group.

Feel free to switch steering teams. Would have to apply, though, can’t just switch.

There is going to a new strategic steering team, “community engagement”. Not probably open to application in year one. Members will be appointed.

Sara Wilson wanted to know if anyone on the scholarly communications team (one representative from each strategic steering group) wants to be part of public programming working group. Meets once a month. Not much of a time commitment outside of meeting. We do not have to have someone. Contact Annie by 5/21 if you would like to do this.

Continue discussion of summer and fall workshops ideas (Annie)

Rebecca and Rachel photo archiving workshop may be taught in summer. Kristina and Lauri are doing workshop in summer, “Highlighting Your Research During Uncertain Times”. Annie has idea about an open science workshop because researchers might have more interest since they are hearing about COVID-19 pre prints, etc. Mary Rose and Erin are doing a workshop on publishing during the covid-19 pandemic interruption. Possibly a separate predatory publishing workshop or combine with open science workshop. We need to make decision by 5/15 of which workshops to teach.

Continue discussion of possible support for researchers at this time (Rebecca)

Workshop for liaisons on how to talk to deans of research staff about scholarly communications services will be put on hold considering what’s currently going on in the world. Workshop for liaisons on repository instead. Temple ScholarShare went live on 3/1 on new platform and is now ready for it to be announced to campus community. Goal is to offer workshop at end of June.


Action items

@Rebecca Lloyd@Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) will determine if teaching photo archiving workshop over summer (or later) and will add to centralized workshop spreadsheet by 5/15 deadline.
