2018-04-23 Meeting notes

2018-04-23 Meeting notes



Special Guests: Nancy Turner, Olivia Castello, Steven Bell, and Jenny Pierce


  • Go over the scholarly communications survey and scholarly communications skills list


  1. Overview of SCSST (charge and goals)--Annie
    • Formed in December 2017 out of Open Access/Scholarship Group
    • Goals are on Confluence
    • Education piece has been important for our role
      1. Education for liaison librarians
  2. Overview of survey with liaisons and library staff--Kristina
    • Approached this by first doing a survey to gauge existing scholarly communication needs
    • Asked questions about practices and confidence in topics (ie author rights, citation management, fair use, CC, publishing venues, OA, OER, etc.)
    • Survey distributed in Janury 2018 to 43 librarians
    • 19 people responded, 44% response rate; 14 from LRS or HSL
    • What are liaisons doing?
      1. Top 3: Instruction -- Citation managers, copyright, locating and researching faculty members own publications for the T and P process
      2. Top 3: Consultation -- Citation managers, locating and researching for T and P process, and copyright and fair use, open access, OER (tied for third)
      3. Confidence Levels -- Citation managers, locating research for T and P, open access, OER, predatory publishers,
      4. Lacking confidence -- systematic reviews, author rights, digital publishing, funder mandates
      5. Neither nor -- self-archiving, funder mandates, copyright/fair use, identifying publishing venues
        1. People are providing instruction and consultation on copyright but are unsure (uncertainty about claiming expertise?)
      6. Opportunities!
    • Question: Those who did not respond, why?
      1. KD: First thought was that it was sent at the beginning of the semester so people were busy otherwise does not know
    • Question: How do we know they know?
      1. AJ: Can’t mindread, open to individual for what they need and work with managers
      2. SB: Could be situational confidence; most people are saying they are
      3. AJ: People can learn a topic to run their own workshop, brown bag lunch talk about a specific discipline
  3. Review scholarly communication skill areas document--Stephanie
    • From survey and ACRL workshop Stephanie attended and adapted it with identified skill gaps
    • 6 areas: access to scholarship, open education, copyright, scholarly profiles and research impact, role of undergraduates, and research support
    • Question: JP: why did we pull out undergraduate students?
      1. RL/AJ/KD: At Paley, more of the focus has been on faculty and graduate researchers. There is overlap with undergrads as content creators so they should be part of the scholarly communication mission (instead of one-offs of instruction sessions or consultations)--make sure we are including them. ACRL Roadshow.
    • Question: AJ: anything missing?
      1. SB: Thorough
    • Question: Have you talked about how we will overlap with RDS in Research Support?
      1. AJ/KD/SR: Joint education subgroup; ACRL framework had section on data management and how it is a part of scholarly communication; overlap with digital scholarship as well
    • Discussion of next steps--All
    • How do you think we should help liaison librarians develop their skills in these areas? (i.e. webinars, train-the-trainer sessions, rotating leaders of existing workshops, brown bag lunch talks)
    • Question: SB: What do you think the liaison librarians should be learning? What are the expectations?
    • JP: Do we envision a baseline of knowledge versus an expert?
      1. AJ: Yes, everyone should have a baseline, but not an expert; maybe within units we could ID a person who is an expert in an area
      2. RL: Each of the six areas and individual parts--the expectation is that all the liaison librarians can have a basic level, but based on disciplines, there will be different areas, then consider the programmatic expectations and what liaisons want to do with that
      3. SB: Workshop to show skill sets that people should be familiar with; who are the go to people for a particular area? Goals for PDP development?
    • Question: SB: Have we talked about furthering the mission beyond the Library, ie going to Faculty Senate to discuss open access?
      1. ET: We haven’t considered that specifically, but we have a list of other objectives outside of this
      2. RL: We are looking to just implement these basic skills with managers
    • Question: OC: Did we look at other schools to see what liaison librarians are doing? Is there a rubric elsewhere? Rubric might be more helpful based on the individual rather than the group than set expectation
      1. AJ: “Everyone is a scholarly communications librarian.” Every institution is different.
      2. OC: Make a quiz for what matters and work on how to raise it
      3. AJ: Might be hard to create a quiz to comprehensively assess
      4. JP: Self-eval, not going to be shared
      5. SB: Checklist for each person; questions to test skills in workshop
      6. JP: Address transferable skills
    • Question RA: How well would it be received?
      1. OC: Quiz was okay when it was done with her group
      2. RL/ET/NT: Might not be very well received, the list is often very specialized, some topics will be more relevant for some librarians
      3. SR: Small things can be pulled out, ie using creative commons licenses
      4. OC: Quiz was just initial, quick idea--real need is assessing current knowledge
    • What would you like your role to be in terms of this project?
    • What should the timeline be? (i.e. start in summer or fall?)
    • What about the librarians at Ambler? HSL? Podiatry?
      1. Yes