2018-02-19 Meeting notes

2018-02-19 Meeting notes



Meeting Notes

Discussed options for sharing meeting notes

  • Going forward, notes will first be created and shared in a Google doc with team members. The final minutes will be uploaded to Confluence monthly.
  • ET noted that our team’s Confluence page is available for anyone to view, even if they don’t have a Confluence account.

Research Data Services Strategic Steering Team collaboration

  • Briefly reviewed RDS SST’s draft goals, which look good!
  • Identified some areas for potential collaboration: education, public programming, and institutional repository
  • AJ will be in touch with Gretchen about setting up a joint meeting between our teams.

Resource needs for strategic steering teams

AJ said that Nancy has asked what resources we might need.

  • For example: Student for helping to organize events; funding for professional development opportunities; resources for OA publishing
  • Think about this and let AJ know if we other ideas

Fair Use Week (Feb. 26 - Mar. 2): Logistics and Planning

  • Tabling - still need a few people to cover shifts. RAL will ask former OTWG members to see if they can participate
  • Will offer a Barnes & Noble gift card to the winner again
  • AJ will ask Rachel Cox to update and print the poster
  • AJ will take care of printing quizzes and other materials
  • AJ will ask Kaitlyn about candy and tablecloth
  • KD will send an all-staff invite for the ACRL webcast in the DSC on 2/28 and ask Sara Wilson to include it in her weekly public programming email to staff.
  • RA will write a blog post for Fair Use week about DPLA, rights statements, etc.

Progress towards Goals/Objectives

  • Finished Scholarly Communication Inventory. KD will do a write-up about it.
  • SR has started learning outcomes and emerging trends documents
  • ET gave a brief update on the Website Presence Redesign teams.
    • Begin thinking about Schol Comm web presence.
    • ET will check in with Cynthia on what we should focus on at this point
    • We should coordinate with RDS SST Data Services in developing our website content
  • AJ gave an Institutional Repository update
    • AJ shared and asked that we review documentation from earlier Temple IR plans prior to our next meeting.
    • Will begin thinking about purpose, objectives, and policies for the IR in coordination with RDS SST beginning at our upcoming joint meeting.