2019-09-05 Meeting notes
Sep 5, 2019
@Emily Toner (facilitator)
@Alicia Pucci (notetaker)
@Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)
@Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)
@Rebecca Lloyd
@Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed)
1. Textbook affordability table at Celebration of Charles event (September 19)
2. Open Access Week planning
3. Next steps on 2019 goals / objectives
Meeting notes
Textbook affordability table at Celebration of Charles event
LRS, Ambler, HSL, Press will have tables too
Brainstorming for future table events (later in the semester)
Consider multiple audiences to cover all groups (students, faculty, community) - get folks to think about the Spring semester
Get folks to think about how librarians can assist them during the Spring semester
Empower students to be able to ask questions - what ways can this be done? Go through campus organizations?
Offer textbook strategies to students to be able to foster dialogue
Poll students on what textbooks are expensive - have them enter this in an anonymous Google doc or write on piece of paper (name of textbook + course)
Can use this info later on to target those departments
Handout for actionable steps they can take to promote textbook affordability
Steps on how can the library help them
Provide a half-sheet handout about TABS project, NBP, etc.
Set up a whiteboard to ask students a question (i.e. how much does your textbook cost?)
Create a resource that outlines the steps on how to access affordable/ free textbooks
Include actionable steps with contact outlets (faculty, librarians, student gov. etc.)
Answer questions about how to find affordable textbooks without obtaining one illegally
Open Access Week Planning
Happening October 21st - 25th
Can do a faculty exhibit (who publish/ embrace OA) again
Where would these posters be displayed in Charles?
Digitally on screens - How would this display? Will they be up and running by then?
In the faculty graduate room/ reading room - will this be open by then? with accompanying flyers?
On easels throughout the building; Tack to the movable whiteboards
Innovation space in the Scholars Studio
Who coordinates exhibit space options?
Can focus on new OA Publishing Fund Recipients
Next steps in 2019 goals/ objectives
Will update the inventory of scholarly communication-related services and activities
Think of a new place for this document to live
What is the best way to coordinate with Sara/ Communications SST?
Scholars Studio - ask about their upcoming workshops (i.e. storytelling)
How can we suggest OA platforms for any of these workshops? Any collaborative opportunities?
Next Steps
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will ask Sara about the audience for the Celebration of Charles event
Due to time constraints, the textbook affordability table will be kept simple because new content cannot be created
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) send out a volunteer form to staff folks for different times for the Celebration of Charles event on Sep 19th
Next SCSST meeting is rescheduled for September 26th
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) ask Sara to see what we can do for OA Week for faculty and grad students - available exhibit spaces?
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) and @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed) will share and compile a list of faculty participants who we can reach out to so as to participate in OA Week - who did not participate in previous years. Can refer to this doc for examples
@Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed) will review/add HSL workshops to the inventory of scholarly communication-related services and activities
Brainstorm ways to support the Scholars Studio public programming - speak with Matt about these types of collaborations?
Can invite the new Digital Scholarship Librarian to one of our meetings in the spring to start fostering collaboration
@Rebecca Lloyd will invite someone from Student Success to the Open Pedagogy workshop, and will let us know if it will be opened to a wider audience
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will schedule a joint meeting with the Collections SST to review the OA collections and begin the conversation of how we will work on this as a group
Once a semester we will use one of our meetings to work on adding to the emerging trends in schol comm list - will do this in early December