2018-08-27 Meeting notes
2018-08-27 Meeting notes
Discussion items
- Group discussion at the start of a new academic year about how things are going with the team, process of working on various projects, and overall workload.
- Went through the faculty and student recommendations received for Open Con. Decided on three, listed in order of priority, to offer the opportunity to attend:
- 1. Jacqueline Philips 2. Aaron X. Smith3. Urszula Pruchniewska
- Annie will draft an email to our first nominee and will share it with the rest of us before sending.
- Expectation is that the attendee will write a blog post about their experience at Open Con, possibly live Tweet from the conference, and perhaps other activities. Goal is for the library to get some publicity for sending them to Open Con.
- 1. Jacqueline Philips
- At our next meeting, we will review and finalize the Criteria for Supporting Open Access Collections and the use these criteria to help with completion of our Library Investment in Open Report.
Action items
Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will check with Emily to see about moving our meeting time to 9:00 am on Mondays. She will also send out a Doodle poll to find a time for our next meeting since a few of us have conflicts on 9/10.