2018-06-04 Meeting notes
2018-06-04 Meeting notes
Meeting Notes
Scholarly Communication Skills Area Form for Unit Heads
- ET noted that she does not have any strong opinions about the form and is fine with whatever the group decides; ET will email group so those not present are aware.
- We also discussed the possibility of Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) reaching out to Jenny Pierce to inquire how discussing the skills area document with her unit went.
- We briefly brainstormed how we might collaborate with RDSST. Suggestions included: assisting with any internal, staff-awareness workshop; providing copy/content for any start-of-the-semester faculty outreach messaging; promoting during Open Access week (e.g. tabling, handouts, etc.); and, inviting a guest to craft a blog post on Scholarly Communications blog.
Charge/Goals/Objectives Review
- We briefly reviewed the annual goals/objectives and thought that we had made good progress toward the listed objectives.
- KD inquired about how teams will share out their annual reflections. We wondered if there would be an annual report-type document that is submitted, a reflection that is shared via Confluence, or perhaps a more public forum/update presented at key point(s) in the year.
Libraries' Investments in Open Project
- ET reminded everyone about the 6/11 "deadline" for having a plan related to their assigned open investment area(s).
- RAL and KD noted that they are speaking to Brian Schoolar related to open collections on 6/5.
2018/19 Workshops and Events
- We thought the currently culled list was a good start. We thought it best to wait until we hear more from the unit heads as well as the form results. Offering a manageable number of events/workshops was also thought more sustainable (e.g. perhaps just a few per year).
General Updates
- KD reported that after discussion with AJ, she agreed to serve as Temple's campus partner for the Affordable Learning PA Initiative. KD filled out and submitted the volunteer form on 6/4.