2020-12-03 Meeting notes

2020-12-03 Meeting notes


Dec 3, 2020


  • @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)

  • @Erin Finnerty

  • @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)

  • @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)

  • @Alicia Pucci

  • @Rebecca Lloyd

  • @Karen Kohn (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics

Open Access book club on December 7th.

  • Not heard anything from Nancy, but it still seems to be on.

  • Natalie will ask Nancy to send out a reminder to check on what her plan is for the introduction.

  • Plan to devise questions that don’t necessarily require reading of the chapters.

  • Kristina will start a brief slide deck with questions for the chapters schol comm team will be covering.

  • Based on Monday’s attendance and engagement, we’ll decide whether or not to hold a second discussion in January.

Advancing Transition to Open Access Report

  • Annie and Karen have an outline for a report. Part 1 - Looking at Transformative Agreements; Part 2 - Review of Temple’s Open Access Publishing Fund. Part 3 - Evaluating support for collaborative funding for OA projects.

  • Plan is that we’ll divide up responsibilities to work on each section. And then will solicit feedback from Brian S. and Mary Rose and others.

  • Discussion of the complexities and conflicting opinions about transformative agreements. Trying to think about the longer term implications of these agreements and what they would mean for Temple specifically.

  • Possibility that conference presentations or other professional development opportunities could emerge from this report

  • In terms of analyzing activities of other libraries for each section, recommendation is to refer to a list of similar institutions. Erin shared a list of “peer” institutions with the group. Could also reach out to colleagues at peer institutions to learn about their thinking regarding transformative agreements and other OA funding.

  • Possibly should look at medical/health sciences libraries as well to see what their support for OA and transformative agreements has been.

  • Members in attendance selected which section they wanted to work on. We’ll contact @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed) and @Carly Hustedt (Unlicensed) to see which sections they want to work on.

  • Plan is for the three small “section” groups to begin meeting and working in January.

  • Annie and Karen have created a Zotero library with some readings.

  • Annie will create a shared folder of documents for this project.