2019-08-01 Meeting notes

2019-08-01 Meeting notes


Aug 1, 2019


  • @Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed)

  • @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)

  • @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)

  • @Emily Toner

  • @Alicia Pucci

  • @Rebecca Lloyd

  • @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)

  • @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed)

  1. General housekeeping: new meeting schedule, locations, etc.
    a. New meeting time: Thursdays at 1pm; twice a month —> Charles 364
    b. On September 5th and 19th —> Charles 381
    c. Facilitators and notetakers will rotate each meeting

  2. Open Textbook Network Summer Institute recap (Kristina)
    a. Kristina De Voe was at an institute/ Summit; week long with the first half dedicated to the “institute” where those who are new can come and learn more
    b. the two-day summit, at the end, was around the theme inclusion in OE
    c. Jess Mitchell was brought in and did a discussion / workshop
    d. Participants included: Faculty, Librarians, IT folks, other campus constituents
    e. It was a very self-reflective experience
    i. “Are we creating more barriers by taking down others”
    ii. “Are affordable materials accessible for all?”
    iii. “Who else can we partner with?”
    iv. “Moving beyond affordability toward ethics”
    v. “Who is not at the table?”
    vi. “Open Ed is not free beer, it’s a puppy. You have to nourish it.”
    f. Lots of opportunity for networking
    g. Challenges: identifying relevant partners and maintaining a relationship that is balanced and mutually beneficial; Developing an OER service model, who is involved?; Measuring progress and assessment
    h. KD found it great that at TU we have SCSST to ground our practice

  3. OpenCon Philly Update
    a. Call for proposals have closed
    i. 36 proposals
    ii. 3 invited sessions
    iii. Panels; lighting talks; workshops
    iv. Decisions will be made about proposals by next week
    v. A lot of local submissions —> this is what we wanted to emphasize
    vi. Schedule will be released by the end of August
    b. OpenCon will be held in Charles
    c. We should have a separate registration for Temple folks since there is a lot of interest

  4. 2019 Goals and Objectives
    a. 2019 Goals and Objectives Brainstorm will be revisited on August 15th
    i. add comments, delete sections we’ve reconsidered by Aug 15th
    b. SCSST and IR
    i. Role will become more developed as things move forward

  5. Webinar: Confronting Algorithmic Bias in Open Collections
    a. A lot of value in thinking through the ideas presented
    i. Specifically thinking about critical practice in Schol Comm
    ii. Theory and ethics as they intersect with how we operate as a library
    b. Ongoing maintenance is challenging
    c. http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2019/digital-libraries-critical-practice-in-communities/

Discussion topics












Action items
