2019-01-16 Communications/Web - Exhibit/Event Display

2019-01-16 Communications/Web - Exhibit/Event Display


Jan 16, 2019


  • @Cynthia Schwarz (Unlicensed)

  • @Rachel Cox (Unlicensed)

  • @Sara Curnow Wilson (Unlicensed)

  • @Rebecca Dashiell

  • @Kaitlyn Semborski

  • @Jackie Sipes


  • Events

  • Exhibits

    • Should the exhibit have an individual display page or is displaying the information on the event/exhibit combined page enough?

    • We currently have events and exhibits combined on a page. Should we continue this or do you want them to be separate moving forward?

Discussion topics





Functionality of categories/are they clickable?

The feed already has the following fields that can be used as facets:

  • location

  • audience

  • type

On the side, we have a “See events by location, audience, type” and then also have a search events at the top.

Design of “browse Program archives” page

Create a separate page using the same template for “past programs” as we do now that has the same facets as the current program page.

  • on the past programs page, include a link to the videos where the exhibits information is on the current page.

Two versions

One with exhibits on the right and one with exhibits on the bottom

Do events and exhibits need to be on the same page?

For the index page, events and exhibits would be together, but exhibits would actually link to a display page

Program videos

  • add a link to the “useful link” section for “Watch past programs”.

Action items
