2018-05-09 Strategic Partners
2018-05-09 Strategic Partners
- Chris Doyle
- David Lacy
- David Isom
- Emily Toner (Unlicensed)
- Erin Finnerty
- Jackie Sipes
- Jasmine Clark
- Josue L Hurtado
- Katherine Westbrook (Unlicensed)
- Leanne Finnigan (Unlicensed)
- Rachel Cox (Unlicensed)
- Review drafts of the web content style guide and the entity metadata guidelines for "Service" (Jackie, Rachel, Jasmine)
- Are there any additions or edits that should be made?
- Discuss preliminary outlining and grouping of services
- See attached document -- Based on the services brainstorming and web inventory, Nancy has begun to create pivot tables looking for patterns, duplications, etc.
- Additional website categories -- Jasmine also reviewed our current webpages, considering additional groupings from a structural perspective.
Meeting Notes
Web content style guide – Are there any additions or edits that should be made?
- Chris will review style guide for accessibility issues
- Question from Rachel/Jackie – how to do approach header structure with the main body description?
- Rachel: Are we going to have a separate accessibility guide? Probably not, though perhaps there is additional ways incorporate universal design in the standards.
- A good portion of it was adapted from the University of Arizona Libraries style guide, the existing LibGuides standards, and the Temple University style guide.
- Beckie and Sara W. have already reviewed the document.
- Nancy and Erin will review the style guide as a whole by next week.
- Jackie: Can Erin look specifically at how this would compare with the style guide for database descriptions?
- Emily will contact Lauri about reviewing the document as well (to address any HSL-specific concerns).
Entity metadata guidelines for "Service"
- For the most part, this has already been reviewed, but we wanted to discuss any remaining questions – though most center on the infrastructure development and the web advisory group.
- The style guide and metadata guidelines are designed to complement one another.
- Jasmine: Within policies, is there a standard gutter access statement? Rachel: Yes, there is one that is used.
Discuss preliminary outlining and grouping of services
- Follow-up debrief from the content contributor meeting in April
- See attached document -- Based on the services brainstorming and Cynthia's web inventory, Nancy has begun to create pivot tables looking for patterns, duplications, etc.
- Focus on the administrative/organizational perspective – What are cross-functional services (ex. across buildings/spaces, groups/people)? How are services similar or different (ex. varying policies)?
- This can be starting point to start clunking our services – where can we start consolidating our services and identifying the commonalities across different lists?
- Also lists out by service are/unit and includes additional notes/questions (ex. areas for more language standardization)
- (Side note: Does Blockson need to add their services to this as well?)
- Next step – further refine this list, removing duplications and standardizing language
- Additional website categories – Jasmine also reviewed our current webpages, considering additional groupings from a structural perspective.
- Page Content Type: Static, Dynamic (ex. inclusion of form), both; Resource Source: Internal, External; Type of Service Model: Provided by staff, self-serve, both
- How do the content contributors start making decisions about their content descriptions? How does this relate to the entity guidelines and the style guide? Are there standardized ways that we should describing services within each one of these categories?
- There will also be a governance model, including a web admin group, to help make decisions about these types of categories. For instance, for page content type, this will help in determining what will need to developed as separate apps by Chad's team.
- Perhaps this can define what cross-functional working groups need to meet for certain types of website categories – this can be revisited when Cynthia returns.
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