2018-08-08 Strategic partners

2018-08-08 Strategic partners



Emily-  Everything’s ready!  Blacklight will launch on 8/13

Aeon forms still being integrated into request box

Several other features still under development, but for the most part it’s done

Primo search will remain accessible until the new website launches

Blacklight-related design work will occur as a part of the website’s design, so that the look feel and operation of the two systems will harmonize.

Structure of website:

Steven Ng and Chris Doyle are building out the back end of the site based on the entity classes (e.g. (buildings, spaces, people, groups, etc.) that will serve to structure website’s content

Buildings was first on the dev’s list, next comes spaces.  Forms will also be a big job.

Entity type metadata is entered via a staff-only form (Marianne Moll will do the first round of data population).  

  • Metadata schema created by Holly, but not yet implemented in dev version of the site

  • Relationships between different entity types can be established via this metadata

  • Values can be controlled.  

  • URIs… David says that these are being considered.  Each Entity could have its own. How these would be structured is currently under discussion.  Will be important once bridges must be built between the new website and outside systems like libguides.  

Question: will every field entered display on each entity value’s public page?  

Cynthia’s A:  Yes, all the info entered into the form will be displayed.  

Internal staff stuff will go on confluence, but much of this content will be replicated or referenced on the site.  For example, AAL’s work will happen through confluence, but will still have a presence on the site.

Down the line, for SEO purposes, JSON LD data could be embedded in pages a la schema.org

Design of website:

Rachel Cox has done 21 mockups in the last month or so (!).  Next week Rachel Cox should have a rubber-stamped wireframe in hand that incorporates many ideas from previous designs.  She will turn this into a design that we can show to staff for review.

Gabe is documenting the contents and functions of the main website and its subpages, and thinking through subpage/homepage interaction.