2018-05-23 Strategic Partners

2018-05-23 Strategic Partners




  • Updates on Blacklight development from April and May 2018
  • Discuss Blacklight rollout in summer 2018, including logistical timeline and communication plan
  • Briefly review website project status, with Cynthia now back

Discussion items

15 minutes Blacklight UpdatesEmily

Members of the strategic partners group have been involved in individual sprints for Blacklight, even though it hasn't been covered in the larger group.

Recent development

  • Focused on finalizing integration of Primo Central Index (PCI) data in Blacklight (libqa.library.temple.edu/catalog/articles) - Erin was deeply involved with this
  • Replace the iframe for availability with the availability API to create a clearer display - Katie and Rachel C. helped with this.
  • Reviewing search relevancy - Brian B. and Leanne are helping with this
  • Changes to metadata displays based on feedback from February beta

Still working on

  • Export to email and bookmarks
  • Implementing the request feature for holds and scanning/digitization requests
  • Full implementation of bento-box search results


  1. Have we formally decided to implement the bento box as the layout for the search results? - Yes, the bento box will be the layout for the search results.

General Update

  • Expecting to have a very simple CONTENTdm implementation - a way to access digital collections from the bento box interface
    • Looking at selectively indexing just the theses and dissertations
 18 minutesBlacklight RolloutEmily

We are still on track to complete all of the features that we need to by the end of June. However, we won't have time to adequately test and debug those features by the end of June. 


  • End of June - Final beta release with full feature set
  • Beginning of August - Full launch 


  • Will be similar to the communication that went out last summer for Primo


  1. What are the effects of the timeline changes on English 802?
    1. It is an improvement over Primo and English 802 doesn't actually spend much time in Primo. Largest impact will be references to Primo in LibAnswers and LibGuides.
    2. In people follow LibGuide standards, then the transition to Blacklight should not be as dramatic as the transition to Primo
  2. The user testing and feedback period is only a month long. How will we focus on what can be changed?
    1. We won't be able to develop entirely new features
    2. This time is more intended to discuss critical bugs that

Ongoing support structure

  • Next steps are to begin thinking about the ongoing maintenance and support of Blacklight after the intense initial development is complete in August.
    • Will need to decide which enhancements will we build
10 minutesWebsite ProjectCynthia

List of services

  • Nancy compiled list of services from the brainstorming session back in April. She grouped the list of services into broad categories.

Next step:

  • Assign three people to each broad category to compile a succinct list of services for each broad category.
  • Then begin describing each service using the metadata description that Jasmine and Holly have been working on.
  • Broad categories that I want to focus on are:
    • Access to Collections/Resource Sharing
    • Building and Spaces
    • Technology Support
    • Reference and Instructions
  • I will solicit volunteers from the site editors and content contributors groups
    • Volunteers don't need to have representatives from each area, those who volunteer will be encouraged to think more holistically

Web Content Style Guide

  • I have reviewed and it looks good.

Website timeline

  • Work on content through the summer
  • Begin design work end of summer/beginning of fall
  • Beta Release set for October
  • Final Release for January 2019

Content Management System

  • Chad, Steven and Chris are working on the CMS that will be built in Ruby
  • They are currently working on forms for some of the content types of buildings, people, groups, space and services.