2017-10-04 Advisory Group

2017-10-04 Advisory Group




  • Discussion of Chapter 1 of Everything is Miscellaneous
  • Update on Website Project - Initial Click Tracking Report and User Survey
  • Update on Blacklight Search Development
  • Discuss project communication plan

Discussion items

2:04pmDiscussion of Chapter 1 of Everything is MiscellanousAll
  • We can help people figure out what there options are
  • For example, if a student has a class assignment and they are told to go to the library, the student doesn't actually know what they need to do
  • We could have a button on the website that says "My instructor sent me"
  • We could also have a list of current "trending topics" and librarians can build a list of resources or searches
  • Context - how does the miscellaneous concept allow context - especially within special collections
  • browsing vs. finding - how can make that as accurate as finding known items
    • we can sometimes uses language analysis to guess if someone is browsing
  • Favorite Quote: "We have to get away from the idea that there is one way to organize things"
  • What is the future of subject headings? - The author has more of a preference for controlled vocabulary and synonyms
    • with LC, they don't update their tags/headings often enough 
 2:29pm Update on Website Project - Initial Click Tracking Report and User SurveyCynthia 

Click Tracking Report

  • Not as much clicking on the blog posts, but some clicking on the events and on the banner
  • Some clicks on the hours
  • Intriguing that people come to the main webpage in order to click on the Health Sciences Website
  • How do other libraries provide access to the Special Collections of the library
  • There is very little activity on the blog posts and some activity on the Twitter feed/events
  • We're tracking several other pages within the website to see what people are clicking on
  • Its good to remember that all of these reports will be compiled and looked at on the whole instead of individually

User Survey

  • The strategic partners group is creating a survey that will be distributed to several different patron groups either by email, through the website or on paper
  • Finalizing the questions right now
2:49Update on Blacklight
  • Blacklight Sprint #4 is underway to refine the ingest processes from Alma into Blacklight.
  • Are we still working Penn? 
    • Yes, we are meeting with Penn next week. We aren't "working" with them directly, but we get together periodically and share information
    • Penn is also presenting at ENUG 2017 - Ex Libris Northeast User Group on October 19/20 about their work with Alma and Blacklight. Tim and Emily will also be presenting on their work with the Diamond-Primo link exchanger
2:51Communication Plan

Because of the scope and nature of these two projects, we will need to think very strategically about communication with all of our stakeholders and patron groups

  • Should also include recruiting for user testing
  • Over the coming months, we will begin developing a comprehensive communication plan

Action items

  • Read Chapter 2 of Everything is Miscellaneous