2017-11-29 Strategic Partners

2017-11-29 Strategic Partners




  • Review the preliminary results from the user survey
  • Review and discuss the website inventory

Meeting Recording

Cynthia Schwarz's Personal Room-20171129 1506-1.arf

Discussion items

Initial User Survey Results

Question 2: What collections are most valuable to you?

  • some people named a specific database
  • some people named a specific subject area
  • some people were more general (articles, databases, etc)
  • People interpreted the question differently, but all of the information is still very helpful
  • Printers and Computers were still very popular
  • Internet and quiet study space were mentioned

Thoughts, comments, questions:

  • highest response for this question was "databases", followed by "books/stacks" and "Computers"
  • there is a lot of mention of "music", meaning sheet music
  • surprised by the abundant use of the term database, which is semantically incorrect, but still what we use
  • Regarding heatmap: we had discussion between "contacting a librarian" and "research support". but in the results, these two categories had a similar response, so maybe this distinction isn't as much of a problem as we would have thought.

Will have a more complete analysis in a few weeks.

Also, I will be talking about these results at Nancy Turner's next Analytics Community of Practice meeting on 12/13.

Website Inventory

 I systematically went through all of the pages of the Drupal Site

  • went through each page to review content such as headers, description, links, broken links and mailtos - cataloged into a spreadsheet for further analysis
  • now we need to begin assigning people or groups of people to begin looking at all of the pages
    • is the content irrelevant and can be deleted?
    • is the content also somewhere else, such as LibGuides or LibAnswers or WordPress?

Initial comments/feedback?

  • are we deleting pages that are irrelevant?
    • No, I am only reviewing, but not deleting
    • Pages don't really ever get deleted, they get unpublished
  • any preliminary pages that you starred in your mind that really need to go?
    • looking for internal-facing items -i.e. professional development forms or other staff resources - these could be moved to confluence
    • Example of Scholarly Communications which has two different pages
    • there are a lot of different topics that appear in different places
  • We have to think about what we're providing access to - do things need to be in a hierarchy? Drupal is very hierarchical.
    • A lot of our content is not document, but they're lists - we have a lot of these list-type pages
    • We need to think about the types of content, the high level things that we're publishing - how do we stitch together these documents about our services or people or spaces?
  • In addition to the review of the content itself is a discussion of the content and what its related to - i.e. our leisure reading is a collection curated by department in this building - how do we get there?
  • When we talk about content and the review of content, we're talking about only the text of the body of the page, not any of the links or other information that surrounds it on the page.
  • Strategy for all of our content, not just Drupal - Related by separate.
  • Do we have a clear idea of that "somewhere else"? Do we know a set services that we are going to use? i.e. Springshare, Confluence, etc?
Project Timeline and overview

Phase 1: User survey, click tracking and website inventory

Phase 2: January - March - doing the content evaluation and organization

  • The deliverable from phase 2 is a list of content, where it's going to live and how it's going to be organized.
  • we will have a website that can be navigated and browsed

Phase 3: April - June - Chad's team and developers and maybe others will come and look at the best infrastructure to support the content and organization that we have determined in Phase 2

Phase 4: July - October - This is when we'll actually do the redesign - thinking about the actual design

Suggestion: peer-review of content in addition to the department reviewing their own content

Suggestion: staff training on "writing for the web" including best practices and recommendations - there is also a separate group that is discussing updating the LibGuides content - there will definitely be overlap between these two projects.

Group Logistics

Do members of the group need to still expect to set aside the initially-mentioned 5 hours/week for participation in this group?

  • starting in January, yes, you may actually use the 5 hrs/wk
  • once we get into phase 3, you may not use the full five hours
  • in phase 4, you may be called upon again to do more work outside the meetings to do some guerilla testing and providing input to the design work
  • for the Blacklight side, there are patches where specific people will be called upon to work more intensely on individual sprints.

Action items
