2018-11-30 Website Redesign Core Team

2018-11-30 Website Redesign Core Team


Nov 30, 2018


  • @Cynthia Schwarz (Unlicensed)

  • @Gabe Galson

  • @Rachel Cox (Unlicensed)

  • @Jennifer Anton

  • @Jackie Sipes

  • @Chris Doyle

Supporting Document/Examples

Princeton Rare Books and Special Collections

Princeton Engineering Library


  • Do spaces need images?

  • On the site, the building index page is also circles - can these be squares with the title under similar to highlights?

  • Can the Collection images be squares with a title under similar to highlights? - Want to get rid of the circles

  • Should we limit the width of content on the site? - Look at the Princeton example - the primary content is limited to the middle of the screen.

  • For the entity pages can we establish a standard three column view carries through the page?


  1. Add maximum width to the center section of the page below the image and above the footer for homepages and group entity page
  2. Remove images from space button when there are related spaces or lists of spaces - image can still appear on the entity page
  3. Where there are rectangles listing the entities, remove fill color and thicken the border
  4. Where an image is used for the entity list (collections and buildings), make the image a rounded rectangle with text below similar to highlights.
  5. Apply PT sans font to the site globally
  6. Rounded entity rectangles - cut the roundedness and take out the fill - match the roundedness of the primary search box


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