2017-12-13 Strategic Partners

2017-12-13 Strategic Partners




  • Inventory and evaluation of all web content across all platforms (David L.)  
  • Updates on Blacklight project:  metadata refinement/clean-up and new integrations, including Shibboleth, Primo Central Index, and Google Books (Emily T.)
    • Discuss timeline and logistics for input/feedback from strategic partners team before beta release launch in early February 

Discussion items

Website Content ReviewDavid L.

Overarching Question: What are we publishing online and how do we present ourselves? How do patrons get from one place to another in the online environment?

Current phase - compile an inventory list of content pages from Drupal, LibGuides and WordPress

Next phase - evaluate the content based on type

  • First, we will assign a preliminary content type of building, people, resources, services, events, groups, people, collections, spaces to get an wide-scale overview of the content that we provide
  • Second, a subset of metadata specialists will develop a metadata profile for each of these (and possibly other) content types
  • Third, We will organize the content and review for accuracy, redundancy, etc.
  • Finally, we will permanently assign the revised content with the content type metadata profiles.

Preliminary Review Process and Content Type Assignment

  • A comprehensive list of Drupal, LibGuides and WordPress pages is available in Google Spreadsheets in random order
  • Each member of the Strategic Partners group will be assigned a number of rows to review and assign a preliminary content type
  • A Slack back channel will be setup for discussion while individuals go through the review process
  • Other things to look for during this preliminary review and content type assignment: 
    • Where are the gaps that are not covered by the list of content types?
    • What are potential sub-classes?
Blacklight Project Update Emily T. 

Timeline Reminder: Projected Beta release is set for end of January/beginning of February

Recent additions to Blacklight

  • Leanne has been working with the dev group for the current sprint regarding metadata cleanup
  • Request features
    • There is now a button to request special collections materials from Aeon.
    • Emily and Chad met with stakeholders involved in ILL and item transfers - starting to think about more mediated request processes
  • Other features: 
    • Integration with Google Books for book covers - we are still working on a quote for Syndetics
    • Working to improve facet resource mappings
  • When Rachel C. returns in January, we'll look over some of the overall visual design elements
  • Shibboleth integration for authentication - this is currently integrated for testing

Beta release - some things won't be fully built out by the beta release, but the dev team will continue to work throughout the spring to have a complete product in June. I should note that what is released in June is meant to provide features equivalent to what is currently available in Primo. After this June release, we will gradually incorporate additional features. Some of those additional features include: 

  • larger navigational items/considerations
  • integration with citation managers and exports
  • building something like a journal finder feature

Provide Feedback!

  • The list of user stories in Jira can be used to compare against the live site to provide feedback on what's been done and what hasn't.
  • Feedback can be sent directly to Emily
  • Emily will also create a shared Google Doc where people can submit feedback and have a conversation.

Action items


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