24 Minutes | Web Environment Unification | David Lacy | - Tightly connected with Discovery through the connection between search, browse and recommendation
- How do our patrons explore our assets and resources available?
- Goal: Standardize the user experience across all of our systems
- Patron's will know where they are, where they came from and how they can get back to the home page or other resources
- We can centralize our ADA accessibility and our search engine optimization work
- Consistent way for logging and analytics of web usage
- How are we going to unify our document-level content? We have to think about what it is that we are publishing at a data model level.
- We can come up with a model that identifies the relationships between the content we are publishing.
- Goal: Standardize and define what it is that we are publishing
- Assets that we publish can fit into eight different buckets or top-level classes:
- Buildings, Spaces, Collections, Resources, Events, People, Groups, Services
- There are relationships between all of these things
- All of our content has relationships based on subject areas - everything can be attributed with some kind of subject heading
- There are also unique, direct and indirect relationships that we can create between content
- In the process, we will build a centralized data repository that is created to scale
- We are taking a phased approach
- Right now, we are working on search, taking all of our content and putting into an index so that it can be searched
- Next phase: content goes through an enrichment phase where we add additional information and relationships to content
- There is no one content management system that could solve our issue of experience unification, so we need to build our own
- We will look at content created in one of the CMS's as data. We will leave behind any navigational or visual elements and just take the content.