2020-03-26 Meeting notes- Proactive Chat
Mar 26, 2020
@Gabe Galson @Olivia Given Castello (Unlicensed) @David Lacy @Cynthia Schwarz (Unlicensed) @Jackie Sipes @Katherine Westbrook (Unlicensed) @Rebecca Dashiell @Rachel Cox (Unlicensed)
Discuss Proactive Chat
Olivia’s proposed implementing Springshare’s proactive chat feature, i.e. Penn State’s
Ideally, the button would indicate whether a librarian is currently online
It’s persistent and floating
A technical issue prevented Chris from implementing a pop up previously
The pop-out version of the chat widget uses javascript and there was an issue with how the Ruby handles the javascript that prevented us from implementing the pop-out last summer.
From Chris: “It looks like we skipped the JS versions last summer because of the way Rails apps serve up the templates (of which our scripts in the top template, each page in another template, and then the footer for a third template. The browser is not rendering the top or bottom templates again when a page in our site loads, and so that JS we need is not called again as you navigate our site from page to page. Reloading/refreshing the page forces that top template to reload, and the script does get called, but that's not a workable solution. If you scroll back in out Slack thread here, to July 26th, you can see our original conversation about it.”
UX consideration- best practices recommend against this, but it’s an option
UX testing data- a majority of users wanted a pop-up (see this ticket)
Technical issues prevented this
Question- what are the outcomes the work will enable
is it just to make the chat more visible?
Olivia- Yes. Since the closure it’s become especially important to publicize our online services
Or, is the point to have a persistent floating button present on all library site pages
Other efforts to surface
Penn State’s feature, for comparison
Works well, generally speaking
Olivia’s mocking up a widget, will build out the widget itself (which was never customized as a part of the website project), consulting with Steven
The offline state of this widget should be built out
is it possible to make the hours regular per-day
is it possible to link to the hours page?
Good idea- link to libanswers FAQs
‘Ask here PA’ link will probably be removed