2017-12-06 Advisory Group

2017-12-06 Advisory Group




  • Discuss Search Relevancy - how do we decide what to prioritize (Emily as guest?)
    • Recommendation has been made to run a literature review
  • Web Environment Inventory and Preliminary Analysis

Discussion items

24 MinutesSearch RelevancyEmilyAfter some discussion, it was decided that the Strategic Partners group could move forward in making decisions as they relate to the search relevancy.
  Web Content InventoryDavid 

What content are we producing? Not necessarily in terms of quality of content, but just what content?

Have to look through all of our content through an unbiased lens to see all of the similarities and even redundancies in our content.

Library staff will be involved in several activities to bring awareness to the content that is produced across all departments and library locations. 

  1. First will be to assign Content Types - this will be done by the Strategic Partners group - content to be reviewed is assigned randomly so that people aren't necessarily looking at their own content
    1. Evaluation of the model is also part of the assignment.
  2. Second step is to figure out descriptions and profiles of each content type. 
  3. Then we need to figure out the relationships between the content types

Action items
