


  • Nicole DeSarno

  • Courtney Eger

  • Darla Himeles (notetaker)

  • Josue Hurtado

  • Tom Ipri

  • Sarah Jones

  • Vitalina Nova

  • Caitlin Shanley


  1. Planning for May 13 LSS Forum

    1. working document from last outcomes planning attempt

  2. Migration to LibInsight 

  3. Repository updates (Nicole)

    1. Draft

  4. Membership update (Vitalina)


  1. Our LSS Forum guiding questions: focus on values, habits of mind, knowledge (?), but not necessarily skills. The forum could focus on our aspirations for instruction; we could take the aspirations, reframe them as outcomes, and then reconvene. Also/instead: could focus on the way we label types of sessions on the new LibInsight form.

  2. LibInsight: Migration happening next week. We’ll leave the outcomes part off for now and then add it later. 

    1. Types of sessions: Nicole had the idea of using Bloom’s taxonomy to help articulate the differences between types of sessions/types of instruction. Vitalina suggests using the upcoming forum to help us think through vocabulary/norming our terms: more opportunity for buy-in.

  3. Nicole shared the OwlBox test repository folders with us. We can feel free to make comments and edits/additions/adjustments directly. 

    1. What should we call it? (TULbox?)

    2. Nicole will add some FYW materials as starter files to give others ideas for what kinds of things will go in the folders

    3. Vitalina shared the ACRL’s PRIMO Database as a possible model. 

  4. Vitalina is rotating off our SST after her next meeting and will be instead leading a community engagement SST. (We will miss you, Vitalina!!)