Nicole DeSarno
Courtney Eger (notetaker)
Darla Himeles
Josue Hurtado
Tom Ipri
Vitalina Nova
Caitlin Shanley
Liaison marketing emails
Idea for professional development (VN)
Update on FYW online module pilot (ND and CS)
Liaison marketing emails
Courtney’s contact sheet was created on Canva; if you have a free account, she can share it with you
Discussed how MailChimp is used by library but also Temple departments
College of Education prefers mailings from this
What needs to be edited?
10 ways to improve student research
Some policies (group viewing?)
What should we provide to librarians? A MailChimp template; a Canva template; text
Tabling this -- do not want to share this until both the move and new website are completed
Idea for professional development (VN)
Attended ACRL Immersion; have to create a proposed change
802s source sets
Critical reflective practice
Responsibility for cognitive, social, and affective impact of source selection in info lit courses
Outcome-based, student-centered approach vs content-centered
Conversation to talk specifically about workshop topics
Reflective practice
CAT lead workshops for librarians
Invite CCP faculty who are more familiar with student demographic to have conversations
Update on FYW online module pilot (ND and CS)
Almost done
Pilot: Honors, some 812, faculty who have 2 sections (each have different one to compare)
Feedback by talking with faculty
Nicole will share it with the group
Action Items
Set date for conversation about workshop topics