


  • Nicole DeSarno (note taker)

  • Courtney Eger

  • Darla Himeles

  • Josue Hurtado

  • Tom Ipri

  • Vitalina Nova

  • Caitlin Shanley


  1. Planning for March 18 forum

    1. Finalize description

      1. The Learning & Student Success Forum is an informal meetup of TUL librarians, where colleagues across libraries and departments can discuss topics related to instruction. Last year’s LSSSST-ening Tour found that librarians wished to have a space to connect with peers in order to learn new ideas and get feedback on various aspects of teaching and learning. Attendees will have a chance to rank their favorite topics prior to the Forum, and then engage in at least two small-group table discussions on those topics before reporting out to the larger group. We’ll crowdsource notes from each discussion so that attendees walk away with concrete ideas to bring to their own teaching! This month's discussion topic: determining TUL instructional program outcomes and integrating them into your instruction.

    2. Review shared materials on program outcomes

    3. Set agenda 

      1. pre-work for attendees? reading and/or survey?


  1. Planning for March 18 forum

    1. Open ended with guided questions

      1. Create outcomes based on conversations

        1. Get feedback on these in the next forum, build on topics in future forums (aligning activities, etc.)

      2. No defined university or library outcomes to align to

        1. Temple mission statement? (http://temple.edu/about

      3. https://librarysearch.temple.edu/catalog/991036748793503811

      4. https://www.dickinson.edu/info/20391/library/2550/information_literacy_program/2

      5. http://lib.guides.umd.edu/c.php?g=828524&p=5915709 - build on visual

        1. Look at current lesson/course outcomes in the parameters of higher institutional-type outcomes and determine program outcomes

    2. See shared materials on program outcomes for more details