


  • Nicole DeSarno

  • Courtney Eger

  • Darla Himeles

  • Josue Hurtado

  • Sarah Jones

  • Tom Ipri

  • Caitlin Shanley


  1. Review LibAnalytics form

    1. Outcomes

    2. Accounting for online instruction 

    3. Different formats/types 

    4. Patron types

  2. Plan to facilitate a meeting of LRS teaching librarians 

    1. How should LRS choose workshops to teach?


  1. LibAnalytics Review

    1. Outcomes: current ones are based on previous ACRL standards; not sure if they are used for anything; outcomes reported for University assessment; can possibly use the new framework; can have separate fields for “tasks” and “outcomes”; new form can pre-populate (e.g. for ENG802); reduce number of fields (instructor name, course title); Academic Departments change and need to be updated; find out what needs to be reported and make those fields required, anything else could be optional; HSL thinks the form could be friendlier (types are problematic, don’t know what to put for title); HSL uses different language (e.g. Guest Lecture); types don’t need to be reported as is and can be flexible; form doesn’t have location; does HSL need its own dataset?; 

    2. Accounting for online instruction: synchronous seems straight-forward (similar to in-person); online self-paced tutorials (professor may reuse content and we would never know); 

    3. Different formats/types

    4. Patron types: what about community groups (which now falls under “other” or “General Public”)?

  2. LRS Workshops: should be more programmatic?; are drop-in workshops addressing what we need to address?; LSSSST can help facilitate meeting with teaching librarians; need data about past workshops to get some sense of impact; standard form for feedback; 


Current data definitions: https://tulibdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RISTW/pages/493879343/Data+Definitions+for+Instruction+-+Type+of+Instruction?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYmI3MjU4ZTI4MzAwNGM5NTkyZGNiN2NkYjUzYzg3MjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9


Action Items

  1. Rewrite LibAnalytics observations and recommendations to send to Nancy

  2. Invite Nancy to meet with LSSSST

  3. Schedule meeting with LRS Librarians for workshop discussion

Other Notes

What current fields are required for reporting out?

Are the Outcomes reported out beyond the University? Do we have flexibility to make them more useful internally?

Would having separate fields for “tasks” and “outcomes” be useful?

Academic Departments change and need to be updated. What role do these have for reporting?

Would it make sense for HSL to have its own dataset? They have somewhat different needs and use different language (e.g. “Guest Lecture”) for their reporting.

Can we remove Course Title and Course Instructor Last Name?

If/When we make changes, the data dictionary will need to be updated and perhaps be somewhere easier to get to than Confluence.

Synchronous online classes seem pretty straight-forward in that they align with in-person workshops other than location. Asynchronous poses numerous challenges, especially for tutorials and other materials that can be assigned by professors unbeknownst to the libraries. Which raises the bigger question of whether the dataset is tracking librarian work or instruction impact.

Can multiple selections be made for Type. For example, if a tour is part of a workshop.

Do we need to be more specific with community groups? As of now, they would fall under “General Public” or “Other.”

Do we need to say “Community School Group” or is “School Group” sufficient?