


  • Nicole DeSarno

  • Courtney Eger

  • Darla Himeles

  • Josue Hurtado

  • Tom Ipri

  • Sarah Jones

  • Vitalina Nova

  • Caitlin Shanley


  1. Office hours moving forward

  2. Idea from Steven Bell re: providing Zoom support

  3. Idea from Kaitlyn Semborski re: office hours for Temple community

  4. Planning for April 15th LSS forum


  1. Office hours - open-ended vs. discussion/topic-based

    1. sort of hybrid idea - have a semi-structured topic, eg, “how are you preparing for fall classes?”

    2. potential topics

      1. what have you learned from doing online instruction?

    3. take this week off, return to hosting next week with above topic

  2. Providing Zoom support

    1. Library as a whole, not just this group

      1. Revisit in summer for support with library focus?

    2. looking for ways to identify needs - eg, what FAQs are most visited 

  3. not at this time

  4. 4/15 forum

    1. is this a good time for brainstorming/thinking about the future?

    2. maybe reschedule that one for May session

    3. sharing success stories with online instruction/in this difficult time

      1. still using breakout rooms for small group discussions 

      2. one success story and one challenge 

        1. sharing challenges can be...challenging 

      3. in small groups - brainstorm about how to solve challenges 

    4. reminder that we’re all in this together, LSSSST exists to support 

    5. reminder about future drop in office hours 

      1. OR ask for feedback about what type of sessions (Zoom, Slack, etc.) people want in the future

Action Items

  1. Caitlin will email LIBSTAFF + Darla to announce next week’s topic, say office hours are paused