


  • Nicole DeSarno

  • Courtney Eger 

  • Josue Hurtado

  • Tom Ipri

  • Sarah Jones (notetaker)

  • Caitlin Shanley


  1. Quick update on Charles 210

  2. New instruction form (not sure this link will be accessible to all…)

  3. Reviewing / prioritizing goals 



  1. Quick update on Charles 210

    1. It’s done! 

    2. Nicole and Caitlin are holding Kramer demo sessions this week 

    3. 202 should be done by the end of this week--projector and 2 screens are there

  2. New instruction form (not sure this link will be accessible to all…)

    1. Caitlin created form based on our discussion 

    2. Workshop v guest lecture: drop in vs going into a course

    3. Do we need to indicate if it happens IRL or online? Indicate online via location, not session type 

    4. Where do we draw the line in terms of online sessions? Do we want to include asynchronous online sessions? Would we include other online learning materials like libguides? 

    5. Concern that if sessions are excluded people’s numbers will drop

    6. Many asynchronous online tutorials were included in HSL instruction form, but maybe shouldn’t be 

    7. Consensus is we leave this out of libanalytics 

    8. Do we include prep time? It wouldn’t be reported by us, but individual librarians could include in their performance reporting. Tom thinks prep time wouldn’t be meaningful to supervisors because people will calculate it differently and it’s not related to the volume of instruction. Caitlin included to tie in goal of thinking about our work differently. Conclusion: cut this section, people can indicate prep time in notes if they want to track it 

    9. What is this form tracking--staff time? Outreach?  

    10. Course code and number--shouldn’t be required because drop in workshops don’t have codes. Change to “course code or workshop title” 

    11. Audience--mixed audience/unknown option? You can select multiple populations. If you have a drop-in workshop you should know the status of attendees from sign in sheet/registration.

      1.  Do we want to differentiate between school groups and other community guests? HSL currently has hospital staff as audience type, Courtney will ask if this is important. SCRC wants to record school groups as audience type. 

    12. Include unit--can we include on the back end? Helpful for unit heads to run reports 

    13. Learning outcomes--would the info in here help us develop learning outcomes? Will people actually enter stuff if this field is optional? We could require it for a week to get sample. Don’t include this in 802 prefilled form.  

    14. Instructors--do we assume the person who enters it is the instructor? Caitlin will see how this works in terms of running reports 

    15. When to implement? Create data dictionary (hopefully not in Confluence!)

    16. Caitlin could bulk enter all 802s instead of instructors entering individually

  3. Reviewing / prioritizing goals 

    1. Caitlin suggests starting with discussion series (“Deploy a recurring series for library staff to gather and discuss teaching and learning topics in coordination with the Continuing Education Committee.”). Could be informal open discussions. Consider holding 2 during semester, 1 this summer in 401 or 364. Try to schedule first one for February. Look at LSSSSTening tour notes for potential topics.  

Action Items

  1. Everyone--come to next meeting with prioritized list of team goals 

  2. Caitlin will look for times for February discussion