


  • Nicole DeSarno

  • Courtney Eger

  • Darla Himeles

  • Josue Hurtado

  • Sarah Jones

  • Tom Ipri

  • Vitalina Nova

  • Caitlin Shanley


  1. Charles FAQ

    1. How to help staff get comfortable with new classrooms

  2. Standard assessment form

  3. Professional development series


  1. Charles FAQ

    1. How to help staff get comfortable with new classrooms

      1. New section in FAQ document to help manage questions folks have

      2. Some other notes about rooms (to maybe be added to FAQ?)

        1. 210 will require a different pedagogical approach; it lacks a large screen for instruction

        2. 202 is a laptop classroom, but the tables aren’t really movable due to wiring constraints

        3. Classroom adjacent to SCRC (room 113) has movable desks and can seat 45

      3. Caitlin will schedule one or more meeting times in the classrooms for people to get oriented. Tom will be a backup. 

  2. Standard assessment form

    1. Alex from Duckworth Scholars Studio contacted Caitlin about assessment support for the DSS’s drop-in workshops and programs (starting in October)

    2. We have some assessments we can adapt for them; Sarah has one, and Gretchen has another, both adapted from previous forms. Courtney has one too. We will look at them and finalize one to share with the DSS in two weeks.

  3. Professional development series

    1. The first workshop in our series (series name TBD) will be about how to use the new classrooms.

    2. Forthcoming workshops will be scheduled for after the fall semester.

Action Items

  1. Review assessment forms before the next meeting.

Other Notes

  1. Census training will take place on the first floor event space on Sept. 17, 2-3:30 p.m. Become a census champion!