


  • Nicole DeSarno

  • Courtney Eger

  • Josue Hurtado

  • Tom Ipri

  • Sarah Jones

  • Vitalina Nova

  • Caitlin Shanley (notetaker)


  1. Brief updates on COVID-19 transition

    1. HSL (Courtney)

    2. SCRC (Josue)

    3. LRS drop-in workshops (Tom)

    4. First Year Writing (Nicole and Caitlin)

  2. Upcoming projects

    1. Update on background research, planning for repository (Nicole)

    2. From our goals: “Goal #6: Implement a system for librarians to request help/feedback from LSSSST team. Consider having LSSSST team members hold regularly scheduled office hours to meet with librarians.” 


  1. Update on background research, planning for repository (Nicole)

    1. looking through platforms, esp free things or things we already use

      1. leaning toward (Owl)Box 

        1. categorize by keyword, topic

        2. can add metadata to files

    2. will be used mainly by LRS, but open to all TULUP staff

    3. Nicole looking for feedback on how to organize

    4. Courtney has created repository for HSL where staff deposit slides, sign in sheets, forms, etc.

      1. mostly for drop-in workshop materials, which may be taught by several people

    5. what are the goals for a repository?

      1. ONE resource for all TUL materials

      2. is this gathering what we already have, or identifying what we need to create

    6. Sarah - former institution had lesson plan library, categorized by common info needs, eg, citing

      1. more often one slide, rather than a full presentation

    7. potential guideline - don’t put anything in there that you haven’t tested

    8. curation will be important

    9. one advantage of Box is workflows so that there is some approval process

    10. LSSSST could all be notified when something new is added, could approve as needed

    11. how might content be organized? ie, topic, format, level

    12. next step: coming up with parameters (both for content and workflow/permissions)