Scholarly Communication Strategic Steering Team: Key Activities and Accomplishments 

Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments

Scholarly Communication Strategic Steering Team: Key Activities and Accomplishments 


1. Successfully planned and implemented OpenCon Philly 2019 (November 1, 2019), the first conference to take place in Charles Library

  • Worked in collaboration with librarians from across the region to make the event happen
  • Team members helped select proposals for sessions/lightning talks, coordinated marketing/outreach, and supported logistics the day of the event

2. Worked with LTD, MADS, and the Research Data Strategic Steering Team (RDSST), to successfully soft launch the new institutional repository, TUScholarShare in fall 2019

3. Successfully launched the new SCSST open education subgroup

  • Subgroup now oversees the Textbook Affordability Project, and plans all events for Open Education Week

4. Continued providing support and guidance to liaison librarians as they further cultivate their scholarly communication competencies

  • Organized open pedagogy workshop in fall 2019
  • Organized TUScholarShare workshop in summer 2020
  • Created TUScholarShare Educational Toolkit for liaisons

5. Began collaboration with Collections Strategic Steering Team on assessing open access collections

  • Evaluated support for Knowledge Unlatched in fall 2019

6. Led a number of scholarly communication-focused workshops including:

  • Copyright and Your Dissertation
  • Managing Your Archival Research Images
  • Getting Started with Open Science
  • Highlighting Your Research During Uncertain Times
  • Locate, Mix, and Create Open Educational Materials with Libre Texts
  • Using Open Textbooks in the Classroom
  • What You Need to Know About Open Access Publishing


  • Researched and wrote a report on the Libraries’ investments in open access, open education, open data, and open infrastructure
  • Organized and implemented a Public Domain Party that celebrated items newly in the public domain
  • Conducted ORCID outreach to various schools and colleges by attending and presenting at Temple conferences
  • Coordinated with Learning and Research Services (LRS) Unit Heads to systematically incorporate scholarly communication work into liaison librarian activities.
  • Worked with LRS Unit Heads to encourage librarians to add a goal related to scholarly communication in their PDP
  • Created a self-assessment document related to scholarly communication skills for liaison librarians
  • Created a resources document aimed at helping liaison librarians learn more about different topics in scholarly communication
  • Organized two workshops on different topics for librarians: “Scholarly Profiles and Research Impact” and “Talking to Faculty about OER”
  • Created opportunities for liaison librarians to assist or lead scholarly communication events and activities in 2018-2019
  • Conducted an assessment of the liaison librarian project
  • Created learning outcomes and a rubric for librarians to better incorporate scholarly communication topics and skills into their instruction and assess them
  • Organized a forum for librarians to discuss the rubric
  • OA Week: Created an exhibit of faculty who have published open access
  • OA Week: Organized four workshops: “Integrating Open Access Resources into Your Canvas Course” (in collaboration with CAT), “Introduction to the Open Science Framework*,” (taught at Paley and HSL), “Preregistration with Open Science Framework*,” (taught at Paley) and “Using Open Textbooks in the Classroom” *coordinated with the OSF team subgroup members
  • OA Week: Screened the new documentary Paywall: The Business of Scholarship for library staff
  • Fair Use Week: Organized tables in Paley to talk to students about fair use. Students took a fair use quiz and were entered to win a $20 gift card -Fair Use Week: Organized a workshop for students, “Can I Use That Photo?” -Open Education Week: Organized one workshop for faculty on “Using Open Textbooks in the Classroom”
  • Organized a series of stand alone workshops for faculty and students which were taught by SCSST members and other librarians (“Managing Your Sources,” “Developing Your Scholarly Profile,” “Know Your Copyright: Sharing Your Research,” “Amplifying Your Research,” “Measuring Your Research Impact,” and “Copyright Basics for Grad Students”)
  • Organized a Back to School Textbook Affordability Table to talk to students about textbook costs -As part of the IR Services subgroup, developed a policies and procedures document for the institutional repository, TUScholarShare
  • Attended OpenCon NYC 2018 as a team-building activity and to gain best practices in preparation for coordinating and hosting inaugural OpenCon Philly 2019.
  • Continued researching and tracking emerging trends in scholarly communication

FY 17-18

  • Created group charge and set goals and priorities for the year
  • Created an inventory of existing scholarly communication-related services and activities across the Libraries and the university
  • Coordinated with Learning and Research Services (LRS) Unit Heads to systematically incorporate scholarly communication work into liaison librarian activities.

Worked with LRS Unit Heads to encourage librarians to add a goal related to scholarly communication in their PDP

Created a self-assessment document related to scholarly communication skills for liaison librarians

Created a resources document aimed at helping liaison librarians learn more about different topics in scholarly communication

Created opportunities for liaison librarians to assist or lead scholarly communication events and activities in 2018-2018 4.

Planned activities for Fair Use Week --Organized tables in Paley to talk to students about fair use. Students took a fair use quiz and were entered to win a $20 gift card

  • Commissioned a blog post about PA Digital for Scholarly Communication @ Temple, and engaged in social media outreach about Fair Use Week
  • Planned activities for Open Education Week --Organized two workshops for faculty on “Using Open Textbooks in the Classroom” --Interviewed a Temple faculty member about their use of an open textbooks for the Scholarly Communication @ Temple blog, and engaged in social media outreach about Fair Use Week
  • Planned the event, “Pod Save the Academy: The Ins and Outs of Sharing Your Research Via Podcasting” which featured a panel of four Temple faculty members. --Summarized the advice from the event in a blog post for Scholarly Communication @ Temple
  • Began working with the Website Presence Redesign team to identify and describe scholarly communication-related services for the new website
  • Began coordinating with the Research Data Services Strategic Steering Team on a policies and procedures document for the institutional repository
  • Began researching and writing a report on the Libraries’ investments in open access, open education, open data, and open infrastructure

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