Access and Media Services

Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments

Access and Media Services

Key Activities and Accomplishments FY 17-18

  • Assisted in the reclassification project ongoing in the law library. The stacks units helped to shift and space plan.

  • We have centered a lot of departmental energy and workforce to projects centered around preparing the collection to be moved to the new building.

  • These include, but aren't limited to, large scale deselection projects and a concluding a massive re-barcoding project.

  • Engaged with the Academy of Adult learning to host an intern from their program to work in the department, exposing him to library work as well as helping prepare him for work outside of Temple.

  • Redesigned workflows due to the implementation of Alma as our Integrated Library System.

  • Participated in library wide initiatives surrounding the redesign of the webpage with multiple department members taking an active role in the discussion.

Strategic Directions Supported by Access and Media Services FY 18-19 

Designing and building a dramatically new library environment to serve as a catalyst
for academic enterprise at Temple.

Developing programs, services, and resources to enhance intellectual productivity,

scholarly infrastructure, new modes of research, and clinical care services.