Research Data Services Strategic Steering Team

Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments

Research Data Services Strategic Steering Team

Key Activities and Accomplishments FY 17-18

Established the Library Data Grants Program. Recruited ICPSR library representative to take on an enhanced role.

Completed preliminary work for Temple University on OSF for Institutions.

Completed interviews with health science researchers as part of the NNLM MAR pilot project on Research Data Services. (RDS SST, HSL)

Increased the number and variety of research data management (RDM) classes offered at main and HSL campuses,

including: workshops at the DSC; RDM 101 classes on both campuses; incorporating workshops led by external partners during Love Data week at HSL, (RDS SST, DSC, LRS, HSL)

Participated in multiple planning conversations for the institutional repository. (RDS SST, SC SST)

Wrote team charge for RDS SST.

Developed prioritized list of goals and objectives for RDS SST.

Developed Confluence presence for the RDS SST.

Strategic Actions Supported by the Research Data Services Strategic Steering Team, FY 18-19