Learning & Research Services - Business, Education and Social Sciences

Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments

Learning & Research Services - Business, Education and Social Sciences

Key Activities and Accomplishments FY 17-18

The BSSE unit did not come into existence until mid-year, but during Spring semester they provided learning and research support services to the Temple University community and the public, primarily via:

- Ask a Librarian reference service via Ask Here desk, email, and chat - Research consultations on a drop-in or by-appointment basis, either in-person and via video conference

- Course-embedded information literacy instruction in GenEd, higher level undergraduate, and graduate classes

- Research Guides that recommend subject-specific resources for subjects taught at Temple, and for particular courses

- Collection development in the form of e-resource reviewing and decision-making, firm order spending, responding to patron purchase requests, and maintaining the Leisure Reading Collection Other notable projects undertaken by BSSE unit members during 2017-2018:

- Worked with ITS, CAT and others in TUL, to enable automatic embedding of Research Guides in Canvas courses

- Production of instructional videos on Canvas guide content embedding and, with Access Services staff, on Ares course reserves embedding

- Set up systematic collection of patron feedback for one-on-one research consultations - With the Coordinator of Learning and Student Success, set up regular distribution schedule for ENG 802/812/902 student and faculty feedback; conducted ENG 802 instruction observations and reviewed feedback to date

- Transitioned to a co-liaison librarian model for the School of Social Work (SSW); in consultation with the lead liaison librarian for College of Public Health, revised outreach and instruction plan for SSW

- Conducted a campus-wide department scan, and a business-school comparison between Fox and other public university business schools; began ‘Accidental Business Librarian’ professional development series and planning for a 2018-2019 transition from a sole liaison librarian to a team model for supporting Fox School of Business

- Took on ICPSR Designated Representative role and began outreach planning for 2018-2019 with Temple’s Official Representative and an ICPSR board member; Launched the Finding and Using ICPSR Data guide

- Established liaison librarian relationships with new Temple academic programs: Global Studies, and Public Policy; Launched Global Studies subject guide - Conducted Research Guide edit-a-thons and other efforts to remediate existing guides, and implemented new Guide review process, leading up to the launch of new LibGuides Accessibility and Usability Standards (Sept 2018)

- With Resident Librarian, conducted assessment project on experiences and attitudes of Textbook Affordability Project (TAP) participants; presented to OE Global conference

- Facilitated new Textbook Listening Tour meetings with School of Social Work, Psychology and Political Science department; Consulted with TAP grantee on open education options to replace an Intro to Psychology textbook

- BSSE unit members also assisted with: Blacklight/Website Strategic Partners user testing, Chat in the Stacks public programming, Temple Analytics Challenge planning and presentation, GIS Day 2017 planning, Writing Intensive Course Committee syllabus review

Strategic Actions Supported by LRS - Business, Education and Social Sciences,  FY 18-19