Serving as a center of intellectual and cultural life.

Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments

Serving as a center of intellectual and cultural life.

The libraries will engage with schools and colleges, academic departments, interest groups, individuals, and community organizations to stimulate conversation, support the exchange of ideas, to provide a lively agenda of events, serving as a center of intellectual, cultural and civic life for Temple University and its neighboring urban community.

Goals Related to This Strategic Action

*Indicates New Goals in FY19-20


Continue to develop engaging exhibits, public programs and oral history interviews

External Relations and Advancement

  •  Collaborate with SCRC and the Blockson Collection to acquire new in-kind gifts.
  • Strategies for raising endowment funds for the new building will include face-to-face meetings with key donors and prospects and utilizing the new library case statement to showcase the building via its renderings, and a schedule of naming opportunities to support it.
  • Seek new funds to support innovation in the Charles library, including a technologically rich environment and highly flexible spaces, collaboration, and interdisciplinary learning.

Health Science Libraries*

  • The Ginsburg Library will host a series of programs and events for the health sciences center community.
  • The Library will submit a proposal to host the NLM Traveling exhibit - “The Politics of Yellow Fever in Alexander Hamilton’s America"
  • Podiatry library staff will partner with faculty and student groups to enhance the cultural, intellectual and wellness of TUSPM by offering two special events and passive programming at the Podiatry Library.

Outreach & Communication*

  • We seek to develop a wide range of programs that will help position the libraries as a cross-disciplinary learning and cultural center, with a specific goal of increasing attendance by 5% once again.


  • Publish 45 to 50 scholarly and trade books that support and expand research and scholarship, are used in courses, or are of interest to the general public. Of these, publish at least three titles in partnership with local organizations (e.g., Mural Arts, Jazz Bridge, Winterthur) or on subjects related to the region (e.g., the Eagles), strengthening Press (and by extension, university) relationships within and support of the region.

Special Collections Research Center

  • Mount fall exhibits supporting Beyond the Page programming and highlighting student work.