Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments
Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Key Activities and Accomplishments
- Organized library staff training from IDEAL office on microaggressions on 7/11/2018. This staff event had 50 attendees.
- Facilitated a regularly-occurring “community of practice” series for staff to discuss diversity and inclusion.
- Composed a public-facing Diversity Statement to share our values with library users.
- Co-sponsored programs with AAL Continuing Education Committee on Radical Compassion.
- Collaborated with Temple Graduate Students of Color Association to support their Scholars of Color Conference, including organizing monetary support and sponsoring two presentations from the Libraries and Press.
- Organized Safe Zone 1 training for library staff. *Honored with organization/department recognition at Lavender Graduation. This award celebrates contributions to the LGBTQIA+ community at Temple University over the past year.
- Created guidelines for accessible presentations at TUL, working with relevant stakeholders to establish shared best practices that consider the accessibility needs of audiences/participants attending events at the libraries.
- Read and discussed the ARL SPEC Kit 356 “Diversity and Inclusion (September 2017)” to gain an understanding of what has been done already in the field regarding diversity and inclusion.
, multiple selections available,