Library Technology Development (LTD/Dev)

Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments

Library Technology Development (LTD/Dev)

Key Activities and Accomplishments FY 17-18

Design and implement technical infrastructure for Blacklight based search, including managing technical aspects of the project.

Design and implement technical infrastructure for Rails CMS, including managing technical aspects of the project.

Design and implement solution to deploy multiple Blacklight instances from the same code base.

Help the software development team adjust to new larger composition through assessing work flows and assignments to best balance throughput with developer productivity.

Streamline infrastructure deployment and update process to reduce complexity and to make processes more transparent.

Software development projects:

- Blacklight Based search architecture has been implemented, with an eye towards future expansion

- Rails integration with Alma API - Rails-based CMS development has begun

- TUPress CMS - ETL exploration using Jenkins, Airflow, etc

- Maintenance of DPLA Aggregator

The software development team has grown nicely into a larger size, as is evidenced by our managing multiple development projects plus supporting ongoing maintenance and development of support projects. We've also implemented multiple procedures to help the team share ideas and skills.

We continue to streamline our deployment and maintenance processes through ansible and Jenkins.

Strategic Actions Supported by Library Technology Development,  FY 18-19