Sharing the vision, making connections, broadening support.

Strategic Actions, Goals and Accomplishments

Sharing the vision, making connections, broadening support.

As Temple University Libraries realize the ambition to be leaders in defining 21st century academic librarianship, they must share their story and build on successes and lessons learned, identifying further opportunities for growth and innovation, and opening up new avenues for support and partnership via private, corporate and foundation philanthropy and through cooperative enterprise with other organizations and institutions nationally and globally.

Goals Related to this

Strategic Action

*Indicates new goals for FY19-20

Access Services*

  • To continue development of the guest computer program and explore new possibilities for programming.


  • As all of the staff at Ambler is long term staff, we all realize and respect the library and its fit within the institutional support structure.


  • Continue to work with Office of the President and Community Relations. Increase outreach and presentations, especially during Black History Month.
  • Partner with the African American History & Culture Showcase to Celebrate 400 Years of Human Resilience 1619-2017 programming and exhibit.

External *

  • In addition, we are planning alumni and individual donor cultivation initiatives in the new Charles to support the endowment.
  • We plan to work with major prospects and donors in the effort to reach the Libraries’ FY ’20 fundraising goal (TBD), set by the Office of Institutional Advancement.
  • Additional FY ’20 priorities include working diligently with the Office of Institutional Advancement and others, including the Libraries’ BOV, to identify, cultivate, and solicit major donors to provide naming gifts for the new library. This will enable the Libraries to have dedicated sources of endowment income to operate this new facility.
  • Collaborate with SCRC and the Blockson Collection to acquire new in-kind gifts.

Health Sciences Libraries

  • Review opportunities for partnerships with health sciences center departments and program centers, as well as university units to strengthen and improve alignment of library activities with health science center and university goals.
  • Create an outreach and communications strategy for health sciences working with the library's outreach and communications manager.

Learning and Research Services - Business, Social Sciences & Education

  • Creating a repository of shared instructional materials
  • Cultivate a team approach to supporting business research and instruction

Library Technology & Development - Metadata & Digitization Services

  • Continue to build upon TUL-wide cooperative efforts by incorporating Health Sciences Libraries cataloging into regular cataloging workflows.

Outreach & Communication*

  • We will develop new ways to promote library resources and services, including social media, partnerships on and off campus, and programming.
  • The Libraries’ third annual report will be published this year, along with the newsletters, appeal letters, and other materials we work on.
  • We will create a more extended guide for Charles Library and refresh service guides and info brochures for the new space.
  • We will host a Short Edition story dispenser and run another contest for Temple writers to submit their stories.


  • Publish 45 to 50 scholarly and trade books that support and expand research and scholarship, are used in courses, or are of interest to the general public. Of these, publish at least three titles in partnership with local organizations (e.g., Mural Arts, Jazz Bridge, Winterthur) or on subjects related to the region (e.g., the Eagles), strengthening Press (and by extension, university) relationships within and support of the region.

Scholarly Communication

  • Continue to coordinate with the Research Data Services Strategic Steering Team, Library Technology Development, Metadata and Digitization Services, the Research Information Management Library Team, and other relevant groups to launch the institutional repository by defining functional requirements and user needs, including potential workflows and policies.