CSST Meeting Notes 3/28/18
CSST Meeting Notes 3/28/18
Reviewing scope document
- Three areas: Collections Building, Collections Stewardship, Collections Discovery & Access
- Added -- disaster planning, under Collections Stewardship
- Strike -- marketing, outreach (this is in scope for Communications & Outreach SST)
- For some of the major items in this document, there could always be sub-groups spun off this group (or that already exist)… e.g. Digital Preservation
What are people’s biggest priorities from this list?
- Cost, journal package deals cutting into rest of collections budget
- Cooperative collecting, weeding, space management
- Cooperative collecting, demand-driven acq, selectors’ workflow
- Having a coll dev policy -- valuable as a document to refer back to for many things
- Coll dev policy -- because it drives the other issues somewhat
- Cooperative collecting -- shared print, looming budget issues
- Budget issues, working with selectors and the Communications SST to advise on communicating about collections with faculty
Drafting charge
- Karen and Olivia will draft something and send to the group by 4/9/18
- We will convene again on 4/11/18