CSST Meeting Notes 1/16/19
CSST Meeting Notes 1/16/19
Elsevier update
- Still working out some pricing with them
- Have to agree not to ILL internationally or to corporate libraries
- It probably won’t be finalized until the end of January
- Pending sale of Fox Chase may introduce some licensing complications
Springer Purchase on Demand
- Discovery layer changes to support this have been deployed to Library Search
- License is with University Counsel
- Phase 2 retention commitments are due Feb 28
- Karen has marked 26,609 items that we should be able to commit to retaining for Phase 2 of the agreement
- If during the move we find something is missing, we are supposed to acquire a substitute copy, or get a commitment from another library that will add it to their retention list
- There were certain ones where we were the only library that had it and it didn’t fit our retention list guidelines; but these are held by other libraries that are not yet in the HathiTrust Phase 2 agreement
- Holly: should check for presence of a barcode now, to get an estimate of how many volumes that might not have one (and that we will likely discover missing)
- Holly, Karen, and Brian S. will take another look at list, and Brian S. will get it signed soon
Reference Collection and Non-Circ Items in Charles Library
- Further discussion on ultimate disposition of reference and other non-circulating materials in Charles