CSST Meeting Notes 8/1/18
CSST Meeting Notes 8/1/18
Physical Collections Working Group (Justin):
- Working on planning for the process of labeling materials in accordance with size of bins and are testing sample labels. In addition to green dots for open browsing, there will be color coded labels for bin size. Measuring and labeling will likely start in Oct or Nov.
- Deduplication projects - we completed deaccessioning 80,000 bound journals. An additional 19,000 bound journals have been identified for next phase (duplication between Paley and HSL, keeping the HLS copy), and this is in progress currently. Acquisitions is working on a smaller de-duplication of art books - maybe 5,000 volumes. Larger books may need to end up in Kardon if won't fit in bin and not selected for browsing collection.
- We are weighing the possibility of large-scale shifting project at Kardon to accommodate SCRC materials. Compact shelving funding was approved, but we are waiting on the purchasing process (single source) which will affect time scale. Hoping to avoid shifting project by using new shelving, but depends on timing of delivery and installation.
- A PALCI group is forming to look at legacy print collections and how to potentially collaboratively manage those - looking at ways to reduce duplication. Schools on list: Swarthmore, NYU, Bucknell, Penn, Temple, Penn State.
- Justin has been working on a PALCI group doing technical analysis related to RELAIS/OCLC.
- Next webinar Sept/Oct. In June webinar they hadn't yet figured out criteria for retention lists. They are using Greenglass this time - in first round, just had libraries pick what they wanted to retain. In November they should send us a list and retention proposal.
Elsevier renewal
- Brian, Karen, Barbara, Beth from Fox Chase had a meeting with Elsevier, but no new information. Still working on title list and hoping for savings from canceling package deal. We discussed concerns about potential ILL restrictions as well as commercial document delivery restrictions or price hikes.
Brief budget update
- Not expecting increase to materials budget this year. However, we may be able to realize savings from the potential Elsevier big deal package cancellation, and we are getting a bit more from the student digital content fees, which will hopefully help weather lack of budget increase for inflation.
Changes to DDA/Approvals
- Working to move more budget from firm to approvals/DDA and also make use of short-term loan ebook options. Hoping to have some of these changes in place for Fall.
Shibboleth authentication
- There has been an improvement in authentication, meaning one less set of logins when accessing electronic resources.
Collection Development subcommittee updates (Karen)
- The subcommittee has met once so far. Karen presented a draft policy, and the subcommittee reviewed and noted things that were not addressed. Karen shared some draft wording around access vs. ownership - while we prefer ownership, sometimes access models make more sense and allow us to serve our users better. Next steps - share revised draft with subject librarians, then CSST, then LLC. Barbara noted that HSL has a written collection development policy they can share.
- We will add some of our working documents so far to the CSST space.
HSL (Barbara)
- Natalie is heading up a print book weeding project at Ginsburg. They are looking at books that are over 30 years old with no circs - about ~5000 titles. This might allow Ginsburg stacks to be consolidated on the 2nd floor and free up space on the 1st floor. Ginsburg’s Kardon holdings are not in scope at this time.